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Address: 654 Church Lane 19050 Yeadon, PA, US

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Lighthouse Chapel International Yeadon, Pennsylvania 15.11.2020

February 13, 2017 WISE OR FOOLISH? By Dag Heward-Mills... READ: Ephesians 5:1-4 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. 2 Timothy 2:16 Foolish talking is simply the talk of a fool. A fool says all that he is thinking, but wise people learn to say what is appropriate in every situation. Foolish speaking can cost you your life. Remember the story of Joseph in the Bible. He made the mistake of blurting out all of the vision and plan of God at the wrong time, and more particularly, to the wrong people (Genesis 37:5). This foolish talk led to his kidnap. There are things God reveals that you must not tell anyone. Keep them in your heart. At the right time they will come to pass. There are other forms of foolish talking. One common type is the endless chitchat of some ladies. In the multitude of chatting you are likely to say something wrong; you are likely to speak a wrong word and sin (Ecclesiastes 5:7). Another form of foolish speaking I want to consider is speaking without giving glory to God. We must be careful to give glory to God and acknowledge Him in all that we say. I remember the story of a man who escaped from an earthquake in San Francisco. In a television interview, he foolishly attributed his narrow escape to his strong will power, instead of giving glory to God. A week later, he died of a sudden heart attack (Ecclesiastes 8:8). Let us be careful to give God the glory for the things He does for us. Foolish and empty talk only reveals our emptiness and ignorance.

Lighthouse Chapel International Yeadon, Pennsylvania 31.10.2020

12th February, 2017. A SIGN by Dag Heward-Mills... READ: Mark 5:22-42 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues Mark 16:17-18 The healing ministry is a "sign" ministry. A sign indicates or shows the presence of something. Healing is the sign that the kingdom of Heaven has come. Jesus dealt with everything of the old regime. He dealt with demons, epilepsy and incurable diseases. He raised the dead three times to demonstrate that the old regime was gone and a new one had come! Jesus performed three miracles of the kingdom of God in today’s Scripture passage. i. He used the gift of faith to command the spirit of Jairus' daughter to come back from the dead. God can take you from irreversible circumstances and bring you back to a place of blessing. The things people said would never work will work in your life in Jesus' name! ii. He used the gift of the working of miracles. Every decomposed tissue in the girl’s body was miraculously re-composed in this miracle. What a marvelous kingdom we belong to! iii. He used the gift of healing. Her heart started to work again. Her blood, which was clotting, started to flow normally; her brain cells were revived and she was cured of whatever disease had killed her! All these three miracles are available for you today if you believe in the Lord Jesus. Your life will never be the same again, because a new regime has come! Start your day with a blessing!!

Lighthouse Chapel International Yeadon, Pennsylvania 20.10.2020

Please join us for service tomorrow at 9:00am. Come and be blessed

Lighthouse Chapel International Yeadon, Pennsylvania 14.10.2020

February 11, 2017 BIBLE FACTS Dag Heward-Mills... READ: Deuteronomy 17:15-20 For...holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 1:21 The Bible is the written Word of God. It is a specific revelation to man. It reveals the nature of God to man. It explains the origin of man. It gives meaning to man's existence on earth. It reveals the future destiny of all creation. Above all, it reveals God's merciful plan of redemption to us (Hebrews 1:1, 2). The Gospel is the good news of Christ's saving power for us. The Bible is the only book that shows how man can be saved (Romans 1:16). The Bible is authoritative and final. The Bible is not a discussion of ideas and theories. It is an authoritative declaration of the facts. The truths that are expounded are awesome and nonnegotiable. The aura surrounding the Bible is partly due to its authoritative and irrevocable truths (Hebrews 2:1-4). The Word of God is inspired divinely. This is what differentiates the Bible from every other book. The Bible claims to have inspiration and motivation from God. In other words, it was virtually written by God through the hands of mortal men (2 Timothy 3:16). The Word of God is powerful and searching. How true this is! Thousands of people are converted when the simple truths of the Bible are shared. I was changed by the Word of God when I encountered it (Hebrews 4:12). The Word of God is God's method for man's prosperity and abundant life. God's method for prosperity is not by clever ideas and human tricks. It is through His Word (Joshua 1:8).

Lighthouse Chapel International Yeadon, Pennsylvania 09.10.2020

5th February, 2017 GAIN CONTROL by Dag Heward-Mills... READ: Proverbs 1:2-7 ...Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. Job 28:28 Women do not have to live a life of unhappiness, depression and misery just because of the desire for a husband. It is not true that women are hopelessly condemned to a state of unhappiness because of the Adamic curse. Yes, it is true that the curse explains a lot to us. Nevertheless, there is hope! The good news is that a woman with direction can gain the mastery over the frustrations she finds in this world. There are two keys that make a woman gain the mastery over these difficulties: the power of God and the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24). How does one get wisdom? First, by praying for it: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally , and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" (James 1:5). Secondly, by studying the Word. The closer you get to God, the more wisdom you will have: "In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3). Again, how does one receive the power of God? The power of God is the grace of God. God's grace is sufficient for every situation. God will lift you up by His power. There are some things that God wants to do for you, but how can you get this grace that you need? The answer is, through humility.Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. for God...giveth grace to the humble. 1 Peter 5:5 Start your day with a blessing!!

Lighthouse Chapel International Yeadon, Pennsylvania 20.09.2020

February 3, 2017 CONNECTING Dag Heward-Mills... READ: Matthew 21:33-39 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:29 Jesus told a parable about a certain noble man who made a vineyard for some people and when he wanted fruit from his vineyard, he could not get any. His people were all beaten and sent away. This is what happens in the church. When God sends people into our lives, we cannot receive from them because we are not able to humble ourselves. It is only because Jesus humbled Himself before John the Baptist that God anointed Him. That was the hour that the Holy Ghost descended. That was the anointing. The absence of humility is the reason that many of us are not blessed. We're expecting somebody to come from somewhere to be a blessing to us. We must humble ourselves to receive from the people that God sends to us. If you need electricity in your home, you do not have to go to the dam to tap from the source. People will think you are mad. That's what the Lord is asking you. Is there no pastor in your church? Is there no man of God in your land? Why do you want to come to me directly for the anointing? The anointing is right there. The socket is right here. Connect and receive your blessing! I see you becoming connected to power! God is sending you power. He's sending you something higher than electric power. Humble yourself and receive it. God will raise you up and bless you in the ministry. He will bless you in life when you learn to humble yourself.

Lighthouse Chapel International Yeadon, Pennsylvania 15.09.2020

February 2, 2017 LIBERATION Dag Heward-Mills... READ: Ecclesiastes 9:13-18 Wisdom is the principal thingshe shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. Proverbs 4:7, 8 One of the reasons why poverty is a curse is because the poor man has few friends or relatives (Proverbs 14:10). Another reason why poverty must be a curse is that poor people are dominated and ruled by rich people. There is nothing that poor nations dominated by the rich western nations can do, except to complain in futility. Poverty makes people disregard you. A poor man may have much wisdom, but his wisdom is despised. Although wealth and riches should not be a yardstick for developing relationships, that is often the case. The rich have no real interest in the poor. The world, and even the Church, is truly polarized into the rich and the poor. You can overcome every curse of poverty through the blood of Jesus. The truth of God's Word is what will liberate you from every curse and frustration. There is a law of reward for hard work that teaches that whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap. If you work hard, the law will be fulfilled and you will reap the blessings of prosperity. As you study the Word, God will give you wisdom to escape from the curse of poverty. Wisdom shall promote and establish you in unbeatable blessings! I see the curse of poverty breaking in your life right now!

Lighthouse Chapel International Yeadon, Pennsylvania 04.09.2020

31st January, 2017 EXCELLENCE by Dag Heward-Mills... READ: 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Proverbs 22:29 Excellence is the attainment of the highest level of quality and perfection. Being excellent means becoming a person of distinction. A true leader is someone who wants to distinguish himself in his field. And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them: Deuteronomy 28:13 God had plans for His people to attain the highest levels of excellence. That is why He said you would be above only . Excellence is not an accident. It is something you must strive for. If you want to work for eight hours a day , you are not likely to achieve distinction in this life. People who distinguish themselves in this life often work for more than sixty hours a week. Excellence in ministry , government or business does not come by osmosis. It comes by diligence. To become excellent you must emulate excellent people. Life is too short to discover everything yourself. Life is too short not to learn from your fathers and seniors. Excellence in the practice of medicine has been achieved by constantly building upon what our predecessors have learnt. Be humble and depend upon the discoveries of others. God does not want you to be mediocre. Insist on the highest standards. Decide today for excellence. Read the books that excellent people have written. Listen to the audio recordings. Excellence is yours for the taking! Start your day with a blessing!!

Lighthouse Chapel International Yeadon, Pennsylvania 19.08.2020

January 30, 2017 BE HEALED! Dag Heward-Mills... READ: Luke 11:14-23 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8 At the beginning of Jesus' ministry , He announced that, the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him to heal the broken-hearted. This proved that He was a healing Jesus: Luke 4:18-19. Jesus did not only preach and teach. Healing was a major part of His activities here on earth. ...and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. Acts 10:38 The preaching of the kingdom of God must always be accompanied by healing. Healing is the evidence that a new kingdom has come. When people asked Jesus about the kingdom, He said that healing was the evidence that God's kingdom had come (Luke11:10). The Bible says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday , today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Being the same comes from doing the same things repeatedly. If Jesus is the same today , then He cares for women with gynaecological problems today as He cared for them then. If He was sorry about people dying before their time and was moved with compassion to raise a woman's son from the dead, He still has that compassion for such situations today. Today , He is still moved with compassion to raise up every dead thing in your life. God still brings you healing through the preaching and teaching of His Word. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Psalm 107:20

Lighthouse Chapel International Yeadon, Pennsylvania 01.08.2020

January 25, 2017 SHARING Dag Heward-Mills... READ: Acts 4:32-35 Let us therefore follow after the ...things wherewith one may edify another. Romans 14:19 It is important not to go to the top alone. If you go up there alone you will become isolated. You will be the only one who has prospered and has tasted the fruits of success. Here are three reasons why you must take everyone to the top with you: First, to avoid isolation. When you are isolated, you are lonely and have no one with whom to share your joys. Joy shared is double joy and sorrow shared is half-sorrow. I am glad I have people to share my nice things with. I can speak freely about God's blessings on my life because I am not the only one who is blessed. The people around me can relate to those blessings because they experience them as well. Jesus took His disciples to nice places like weddings (John 2:2). He didn't just take them to the synagogues, prayer meetings, the garden of Gethsemane or Great Commission staff meetings. The second reason is to avoid becoming an easy target. When you are isolated at the top, you become an easy target. You are easy to spot because you are the only one who has certain benefits. The third reason to consider is this: When you are the only one at the top, you are surrounded by desperate people. Desperate people are dangerous and could harm you at any time. They will try to pull you down to their level of frustration. However, if you are all at the top, they can only pull you sideways and not downwards.