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Website: www.asmaulhusna.org/

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asmaulhusna.org 22.10.2021

! The Qur’n is for revealing the power of brotherhood and uniting. It is for eating from the same plate, living as one family, uniting in the mosque and everywhere else... for a happy event or a sad occasion; it is for a king and a herdsman to live as one family in the same circumstances. Islm exists where everyone unites and embraces each other with equality in the same way, wherever they pray and wherever they dwell. If Muslims fight at ‘asr, the afternoon prayer time, they will make peace and embrace by maghrib, the time of the prayer that is performed just after sunset, greeting each other with the salm, and looking into each other’s faces. That is Islm. Islm is to dispel hostility and to forgive someone who makes a mistake, doing taubah in performing an act of repentance, and asking du‘' , making supplications on his behalf for the sake of God. The Qur’n shows us that Muslims must avert the anger that comes between two people in one moment by uniting and embracing in the next. . . [.]: , ,

asmaulhusna.org 13.10.2021

! "mn is the key to Islmthe key and the completion. We can display equality and peace only after we convert and transform the qualities that originated from the five elements that were gathered together and united. Then we can find peace. We must understand this. If a person becomes a mu’min, there will be no divisions... for him in Islm, no differences. He will see no divisions between the children of Adam [A.S.]. There were no divisions in the commandments of God that were brought by the prophets. They came down directly from Allh. There can be no separations in what God has commanded." . . [.], , ,

asmaulhusna.org 01.10.2021

! "Only by embracing others can we make them peaceful.Love your neighbor as yourself does not mean beat him, kill him, or slaughter him. Why would you slaughter him? A man’s heart must be right. His love must come, his heart must melt and dissolve. We must accept this. The affection we feel for another will cause his affection for us to come into being. Love, compassion, trust, affection, and our embracing nature will cause his heart to melt. It will cause his heart to dissolve. By dissolving, we join with our siblings and embrace them, sharing with them God’s wealth, our Father’s wealth, and uniting all our families together as one, as proof that we are the children of Adam [A.S.]." . . [.]: , ,

asmaulhusna.org 13.09.2021

Precious jeweled lights of my eyes, if we take an atom, cut it into a billion pieces, and look at one part, the wilyt [the miraculous qualities and actions of God] will revolve around each other without touching, ninety-nine by ninety-nine. His rahmah will revolve there... If we continue to cut and we look with the resplendent wisdom of the Nr until we have only one part left, that is what will pull us in. It will pull us in. We will be unable to look at it. We will be pul...led into that Light and we will disappear. We will just fall into that Light and lose consciousness without ever being able to find its end. The power without end is God. The endless power that has no equal, no companion, no parallel, no equivalent is God. It is truth. That truth is God. He is beyond even that level of wisdom and His end cannot be found. That One power is called God. It is called Allh. It is an absolutely complete and perfect thing. We cannot find its end. This is all we can see even with the ultimate level of Divine Luminous Wisdom. . . [.]: , ,

asmaulhusna.org 10.09.2021

"To accept mn is to accept unity. All who accept mn accept that absolutely pure Light with open hearts. They live in Allh’s protection in this world and in His kingdom. Among them, there are no blacks, whites, yellows, social classes, ethnic groups, or religions. Regardless of who they are, all who have declared their mn are Muslims. All who have accepted the good qualities, the truth, the faith, the worship, and Allh are Muslims. We cannot see any divisions among them. What divisions can we see in a place without divisiveness? There is no divisiveness in Allh or in truth." . . [.]: , ,

asmaulhusna.org 26.08.2021

"For us, there is only one thing: belief in God. Our faith is our wealth. There is one requirement: we who are the community of humankind must live as one family. With justice and conscience, we must endeavor to know that the lives of others are like our own, the bodies of others are like... our own, the hunger of others is like our own, the suffering of others is like our own. We must be aware of each other, join together, and live in unity. If humankind and the four religions could be aware of this, God’s sacred places would not turn into battlegrounds. Every community needs to understand this. We must be aware that this proof has been shown to us through what has happened in Jerusalem. It is certain that we too will pass, just as they passed. The earth will remain, but all of us who rule it will have to pass away. We will all leave it. This is the truth. Therefore, all four religions need to live together in one place, believing with certitude that there is One God, worshiping that One in unity with wisdom, clarity, mn, and peace." . . [.]: , ,

asmaulhusna.org 20.08.2021

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asmaulhusna.org 02.08.2021

mn is firdaus, paradise. The kalimah is the blood in each one of us, the blood that unites us. We become one when we call ourselves the community of the Rasl [Sal.] and embrace each other as mu’minn. The meaning of Islm is that we must establish this state. It is the meaning of mu’min. If we correctly place our confidence in this state, Islm will never again reach the... state in which it exists today. There is fighting everywhere in Islm today. Wherever we look there is divisiveness. Wherever we look there is fighting. Wherever we look there are separations. Wherever we look there are differences. Islm is not like that. We must think of each word spoken by the Rasl [Sal.]. We must try to think. If the people who say the kalimah are in a good state, then the people who do not say the kalimah will be their neighbors. Love your neighbor as yourself. Our neighbors are not there for us to fight with, nor are they there to be our enemies. Their hearts must melt because of the state in which we act. They must embrace us because of how we act. They must trust us because of the duties we perform. Our state will affect them. . . [.], , ,

asmaulhusna.org 12.07.2021

"A mother and God are the same: they do not kill. They do not kill their bad children. It is not about cutting down and killing a fellow human being and then praising God. It is a mother’s wish to dispel the bad behavior and mischief in her childher goal is to make him a good child. This is the duty that must be done and this is what Allh does. Thus, those who have wisdom must understand this.... When a child behaves badly, it is the qualities within the child that are bad. That is what must be dispelled. He must be shown good wisdom, love, and compassion, and be transformed into a good child. That is an undeniable truth. It is not truth to slaughter him. That is not good." . . [.]: , , See more

asmaulhusna.org 28.06.2021

"If we were to become aware of the state of the mn of tauhd, the state of Allh, the One who is the Indivisible Power, and His qualities and actions, and if we were then to describe our weapons of war, they would be Allh’s weapons. They would be Allh’s actions and conduct, the salm, the salawt, good qualities, love, compassion, certitude, determination, forbearance, patience, gratitude, trust in God, and giving all praise to God. These are our only weapons. These are t...he weapons of mn-Islm. We must think about this a little. There is nothing that cannot be controlled by love. Everything will submit to compassion, love, and patience. Everything will submit to them. These are the weapons from God’s side that can dispel the state of ignorance and the lack of wisdom. Allh’s weapons are weapons of love. May we reflect upon this." . . [.], , , See more

asmaulhusna.org 11.06.2021

"If we can overcome the world of the mind, we will see the kingdom of God that exists as the sacred kingdom of absolute purity, the kingdom of the soul, the Heart inside the heart. The mind is illusion’s kingdom and the heart is God’s... kingdom. The mind is creation’s kingdom and the heart is God’s kingdomthe kingdom of Light, the kingdom of resplendence. We must know this. We must overcome the kingdom of illusion known as the mind and then see the kingdom of God, the luminous kingdom of the soul inside the heart. The mind is one thing, the qalb is another. The mind randomly travels throughout the fifteen realms. Wisdom looks at the other world. Wisdom, truth, and justice look at the world of God’s kingdom. This is what we must understand." . . [.]: , , See more

asmaulhusna.org 08.06.2021

"May we think of how Islm means to bring peace, tranquility, and serenity, and the display of unity to each heart. After thinking about it, may each of us establish this state, prove it in each of our hearts, and endeavor to put it into action, living as believers in Dnul-Islm. May we find unity. May we reflect upon this. If we take action as we reflect, that will be the Islm that the Raslullh [Sal.] brought us. These are Allh’s commandments. This is what God sent down... as proof to all the prophets. May we think of this. mn. As-salmu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullhi wa baraktuhu. Peace and the mercy of God and His blessings be upon you. O you who are believers, may we think of Islm. As-salmu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullhi wa baraktuhu." . . [.], , , p 140 See more

asmaulhusna.org 11.04.2021

! The Qur’n is for revealing the power of brotherhood and uniting. It is for eating from the same plate, living as one family, uniting in the mosque and everywhere else... for a happy event or a sad occasion; it is for a king and a herdsman to live as one family in the same circumstances. Islm exists where everyone unites and embraces each other with equality in the same way, wherever they pray and wherever they dwell. If Muslims fight at ‘asr, the afternoon prayer time, they will make peace and embrace by maghrib, the time of the prayer that is performed just after sunset, greeting each other with the salm, and looking into each other’s faces. That is Islm. Islm is to dispel hostility and to forgive someone who makes a mistake, doing taubah in performing an act of repentance, and asking du‘' , making supplications on his behalf for the sake of God. The Qur’n shows us that Muslims must avert the anger that comes between two people in one moment by uniting and embracing in the next. . . [.]: , ,

asmaulhusna.org 02.04.2021

! "mn is the key to Islmthe key and the completion. We can display equality and peace only after we convert and transform the qualities that originated from the five elements that were gathered together and united. Then we can find peace. We must understand this. If a person becomes a mu’min, there will be no divisions... for him in Islm, no differences. He will see no divisions between the children of Adam [A.S.]. There were no divisions in the commandments of God that were brought by the prophets. They came down directly from Allh. There can be no separations in what God has commanded." . . [.], , ,

asmaulhusna.org 26.03.2021

! "Only by embracing others can we make them peaceful.Love your neighbor as yourself does not mean beat him, kill him, or slaughter him. Why would you slaughter him? A man’s heart must be right. His love must come, his heart must melt and dissolve. We must accept this. The affection we feel for another will cause his affection for us to come into being. Love, compassion, trust, affection, and our embracing nature will cause his heart to melt. It will cause his heart to dissolve. By dissolving, we join with our siblings and embrace them, sharing with them God’s wealth, our Father’s wealth, and uniting all our families together as one, as proof that we are the children of Adam [A.S.]." . . [.]: , ,

asmaulhusna.org 12.03.2021

Precious jeweled lights of my eyes, if we take an atom, cut it into a billion pieces, and look at one part, the wilyt [the miraculous qualities and actions of God] will revolve around each other without touching, ninety-nine by ninety-nine. His rahmah will revolve there... If we continue to cut and we look with the resplendent wisdom of the Nr until we have only one part left, that is what will pull us in. It will pull us in. We will be unable to look at it. We will be pul...led into that Light and we will disappear. We will just fall into that Light and lose consciousness without ever being able to find its end. The power without end is God. The endless power that has no equal, no companion, no parallel, no equivalent is God. It is truth. That truth is God. He is beyond even that level of wisdom and His end cannot be found. That One power is called God. It is called Allh. It is an absolutely complete and perfect thing. We cannot find its end. This is all we can see even with the ultimate level of Divine Luminous Wisdom. . . [.]: , ,

asmaulhusna.org 06.03.2021

"To accept mn is to accept unity. All who accept mn accept that absolutely pure Light with open hearts. They live in Allh’s protection in this world and in His kingdom. Among them, there are no blacks, whites, yellows, social classes, ethnic groups, or religions. Regardless of who they are, all who have declared their mn are Muslims. All who have accepted the good qualities, the truth, the faith, the worship, and Allh are Muslims. We cannot see any divisions among them. What divisions can we see in a place without divisiveness? There is no divisiveness in Allh or in truth." . . [.]: , ,