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Locality: Blakeslee, Pennsylvania

Phone: +1 570-646-0309

Address: Robyn Lane and Route 940 18610 Blakeslee, PA, US

Website: www.faithlutheranblakeslee.org

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Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 26.01.2021

Today we commemorate the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who wrote, The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 23.01.2021

Effective today, we're expanding our #COVID19 #vaccination efforts in Phase 1A to include anyone over 65 and people ages 16-64 with serious medical conditions that make them more at risk for severe illness. View more information about updated vaccine plan: http://bit.ly/COVID19VaccinePA

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 22.01.2021

O Lord, we long for peace. Make us agents of peace for all of creation.

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 17.01.2021

Dear Beloved in Christ, Today, January 18, we honor and celebrate a great man, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He is revered for many roles: civil rights pi...oneer, outstanding orator, conscience of a nation, and of course, as martyr, who was slain for standing up and speaking out in the cause of freedom, equality, and justice for all. He was also a pastor, and like you and me, a baptized child of the living God. And it is in this vocation that I find particular comfort for these tense and troubling times. Since this holiday was first set, people everywhere but especially in this country he loved so deeply and challenged so well, to live up to its ideals have set aside this day to serve others. But this has become harder to do, on this particular MLK Day. The pandemic is keeping us socially distant and forcing us in many cases to stay in our homes. And the threat of violence brought on by the brutal events of January 6th has made us all hold our breath and clench our teeth, as we wait out this week, and whisper in fear: Lord, have mercy what is next? Dr. King would not have us cower. Were he alive today, he would counsel us to hope, to faith, to love of neighbor, and to continue in the cause for which he gave his life. And because he was the REVEREND Dr. King, he would call us to recall, take courage, and to be true to our new life in Christ and our call to love one another as he has loved us. And so, today, if you have a safe way to do so, I encourage you to go out and serve. But it’s also okay to stay home, and serve in other ways: giving online, using the phone to reach out, and more. And of course, as the Rev. Dr. King did so often himself, we are called to pray. Not just today, but each day in this week especially on Inauguration Day, this Wednesday, January 20. Below this post comes a prayer from the Presiding Bishop of the ELCA, Elizabeth Eaton. I invite you to offer these prayers throughout the week alone or with your loved ones, with co-workers and friends, in person or online. Share them around as well. Let us rely on our God to get us through, to keep us well and to bring us together as one body of Christ, and one nation under God, with life, liberty and justice for all. Peace, Christopher deForest, Bishop Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod See more

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 04.01.2021

GOSPEL: LUKE 2:22-40 Our re-creation in baptism is an image of the Genesis creation, where the Spirit of God moved over the waters. Both Mark’s gospel and the story in Acts make clear that it is the Spirit’s movement that distinguishes Jesus’ baptism from John’s. The Spirit has come upon us as upon Jesus and the Ephesians, calling us God’s beloved children and setting us on Jesus’ mission to re-create the world in the image of God’s vision of justice and peace. To follow alon...g with the service, click on the following links. Booklet: https://e794e35f-bea4-4791-96a4-8208f9e37166.usrfiles.com/ Bulletin: https://e794e35f-bea4-4791-96a4-8208f9e37166.usrfiles.com/ If you would like to give, text 855 975 6608 and enter the amount you would like to give. You will receive a text link to follow the instructions soon after. Thank you for your contribution to keep Faith Lutheran Church with open doors. Portions from Evangelical Lutheran Worship and sundaysandseasons.com, 2021 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License No. SB144827. Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License No. A-726919. CCLI License #20635975 and Streaming License #20635982

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 29.12.2020

Gospel of John 1:43-51 All the baptized have a calling in God’s world. God calls not just pastors and deacons but also the youngest child, like Samuel. The story of the calling of Nathanael plays with the idea of place. Nathanael initially dismisses Jesus because he comes from Nazareth. But where we come from isn’t important; it’s whereor rather whomwe come to. Jesus refers to Jacob, who had a vision in a place he called the house of God, and . . . the gate of heaven (Gen.... 28:17). Jesus says he himself is the place where Nathanael will meet God. To follow with the service please click to open the following links. Booklet: https://e794e35f-bea4-4791-96a4-8208f9e37166.usrfiles.com/ Bulletin: https://e794e35f-bea4-4791-96a4-8208f9e37166.usrfiles.com/ If you would like to give to the church you may do so by sending a text to 8559756608 and enter the amount you would like to donate. You will then receive a text link to follow the instructions to complete the donation. Thank you for your contribution to the growth of Faith Lutheran Church. Portions from Evangelical Lutheran Worship and sundaysandseasons.com, 2021 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License No. SB144827. Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License No. A-726919. CCLI License #20635975 and Streaming License #20635982

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 23.12.2020

Pray for our nation... pray for our democracy.

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 21.12.2020

The feast of Epiphany (manifestation) concludes the Christmas season with a celebration of God’s glory revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. Though we may try to understand how the Word existed with God from the beginning of time, the wonder we celebrate is that the Word continues to dwell among us. Christ comes among us in the gathered assembly, the scriptures, the waters of new birth, and the bread and the wine. Through these ordinary gifts we receive the fullness of Go...d’s grace and truth. Now we are sent out to be beacons of the light of Christ, sharing the good news of God’s love to all people. To follow along: Booklet - https://e794e35f-bea4-4791-96a4-8208f9e37166.usrfiles.com/ Bulletin - https://e794e35f-bea4-4791-96a4-8208f9e37166.usrfiles.com/ If you would like to contribute, send a text to 855 975 6608 with the amount you would like to give and follow the like and instructions you receive as a link. Thank you in advance for your Love to Faith Lutheran Church in Blakeslee, PA. Special Music: In the Bleak Midwinter Arrangement: Gustav Holst guitar duo. Played by Rick Halko & Molly Finkbiner Portions from Evangelical Lutheran Worship and sundaysandseasons.com, 2021 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License No. SB144827. Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License No. A-726919. CCLI License #20635975 and Streaming License #20635982

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 28.11.2020

Reading: Psalm 27 ‘The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?... One thing I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after:to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. (v. 1,4) Reflection: Though life sometimes gets very hard and painful, and we feel threatened by forces beyond our control, the Psalms offer the com...fort of knowing that Gods people have always had to navigate these realities. In todays reading, the Psalmist finds refuge in an intimate relationship with God, knowing that nothing that can happen will ever be able to severe the deep connection that Gods people have with God. Three wonderful gifts arise from sheltering in God in this way. Firstly, the Psalmist discovers that worship becomes a source of life even in the midst of the turmoil. Secondly, flowing from the act of worship, prayer flows easily and honestly, because the Psalmist knows that God is near and is always caring. Finally, out of prayer, flows a confidence in Gods ability to bring life and joy even in the darkest of situations. These gifts were, essentially, what John the Baptizer was offering to the people as he prepared them for Christ's coming. They were living in difficult times, and were longing for God to come and deliver them. John assures them that in the midst of the turmoil, God has not forgotten Gods people, and that they will know Gods presence, Gods confidence and Gods protection no matter what outward circumstances they may have to face, because Gods Sent One is soon to be walking among them! In what ways do you need to be reminded of Gods gracious and sustaining presence today? How can you best open yourself to Gods presence and comfort? Alternatively, who might need you to be a John to them, reminding them that God has not forgotten them, but is coming to strengthen and save them? How can you best offer this message to them? Prayer: God, even in the most difficult times, you are always coming to me, always bringing your comfort and shelter for me to take refuge in. Thank you! Help me to trust in you even when life gets hard and painful. And help me to find ways to be the agent of your grace and comfort to others who need your healing touch. In Jesus name. Amen.

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 08.11.2020

Reading: Mark 1:1-8 As it is written in the prophet Isaiah, See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight,’ John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.(v. 2-4) Reflection: The man, John, is an important figure, both in the Gospel story and in our learning to follow Jesus. In Ma...rks Gospel there is no dramatic narrative telling of his unique birth and no clear mention of his relationship with Jesus. There is just this strange man who comes, at it were, out of nowhere with a manner and a way of dressing that would immediately have evoked images of the Old Testament prophets in the minds of his hearers. He catches peoples attention, but he doesnt draw attention to himself. His whole purpose is to point the crowds to another, more important person to come. He is there for no other reason than to prepare people for Christ, and when his job is done, he simply slips into the background again. There is a tremendous confidence and a tremendous humility represented by John. He was confident in who God had called him to be and in the job he was to do. But, he was humble enough not to let this go to his head, not to claim more for himself than was his right, and not to resist letting go of the attention of the crowds when his time was up. He knew his task, and he did it - no more, no less. Which raises some challenging questions for us. We may not be Johns or Christs. We may not have any kind of public platform, or any task to do that holds such global significance. But, we are all called and we all have a part to play in Gods reign. So, who are you in Christ? What has God given you to do for the sake of Gods reign? How good are you at judging when to act and when to retreat, when something is yours to do, and when your task is to stand back for others? In what ways can you be more intentional this week at fulfilling Gods call on your life? Prayer: O God, Who is always preparing me for the coming of your reign, and who is always calling me to help others prepare, teach me what you would have me do;Do not let me hide or despise my particular gifts or tasks, And nudge me when I need to get out of the way and let others do the work; Most of all, help me to have confidence in who you have called me to be, and the humility simply to be myself. Amen.

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 22.10.2020

Reading: Mark 11:27-33 Then when they were back in Jerusalem once again, as they were walking through the Temple, the high priests, religion scholars, and leaders came up and demanded, Show us your credentials. Who authorized you to speak and act like this? Jesus responded, First let me ask you a question. Answer my question and then I’ll present my credentials. About the baptism of Johnwho authorized it: heaven or humans? Tell me. hey were on the spot, and knew it. ...They pulled back into a huddle and whispered, If we say ‘heaven,’ he’ll ask us why we didn’t believe John; if we say ‘humans,’ we’ll be up against it with the people because they all hold John up as a prophet. They decided to concede that round to Jesus. We don’t know, they said. Jesus replied, Then I won’t answer your question either. Reflection: There will always be those who want to control Gods work in Gods people. There will always be those who challenge the work that God is doing. Many of these resisters will be those who believe that they speak in Gods name, and it can be tough to stay faithful to the vision of Gods reign in the face of this opposition. Jesus knew what this felt like, but as he was challenged on the question of authority, he pointed to John. The religious leaders, although they had not taken Johns message to heart, knew what an impact he had, and how strong his following had been, and they could not risk the displeasure of the people. So, they give Jesus a lame answer which entitles Jesus to refuse to answer their question of his own authority. It was a confident Jesus, secure in his message and mission, that could do this. For us the challenge of this story is twofold. First we need to ask ourselves, like the religious leaders, whether we accept the authority of Johns and Jesus message. This is not just about an intellectual idea that we agree with. Its about how we will orient our lives - will we allow Gods reign to be the defining force for us? Second, we are challenged to stand along with Jesus in the confidence that Gods reign gives us as we seek to bring Gods grace, peace, love and justice into our world. Where could you use a little more of Gods confidence as you seek to follow Christ? In what ways can your life embody the message of Gods reign a little more? How can you open your heart to Gods presence today, so that God can inspire and empower you? Prayer: Its a scary thing to be asked to follow you, Jesus. Sometimes my love for you brings me into confrontations with others who dont embrace your values, or dont believe in your ways. Sometimes people accuse me of doing things I have no right to, or they claim Im in over my head - and sometimes they may even be right! But, all I want to do is follow you, Jesus, and live out, in my small way, the principles of your reign. Keep me strong and faithful, Jesus, and please let your grace and truth be seen in me. Amen.

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA 06.10.2020

Reading: Jeremiah 1:4-10 Now the word of the LORD came to me saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. (v. 4-5) Reflection: Jeremiah was a young man called by God to be a prophet. At his call, God assured him that God had known him and called him since before he was born. His life was no accident - it was shaped by God for a purpose. We see the same truth at work in all of God...s servants throughout the Scriptures, right up to John the Baptist. As the old saying goes, when God calls, God also equips. There is a challenge here for every Christ-follower. As we reflect on our lives, we can see the gifts and abilities that God has built into us, and we can, if we so choose, seek to use them for Gods purposes - as our unique way of speaking Gods message of love and justice. What are the gifts which you have already offered to God, and how is God using them? What gifts have you still not given to Gods purposes? Are there any ways you can allow your abilities to be used more to speak Gods gracious message in your world? Why not pick one to focus on today? Prayer: You know me so well, O God - after all, you formed me and placed within me the unique combination of gifts and traits that make up who I am. Help me now to honor you by using my gifts to speak - in word and action - the gracious, life-giving message of your reign, in whatever small ways I can. Amen.