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Locality: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Phone: +1 215-558-2731

Address: 110 S 20th St, Ste 400 19103 Philadelphia, PA, US

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Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 30.06.2021

Intestinal dysbiosis in infants may be associated with an increased risk for asthma development later in life. One study assessed asthma risk and the presence of wheezing at age one. The microbiomes were analyzed during various checkpoints as the children grew until they reached school age. The study authors found lower levels of certain bacteria including Rothia, Faecalibacterium, Lachnospira, and Veillonella with those children that ha...d active asthma once they became toddlers. Veillonia, in particular, are prominent producers of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). As the microbiome has a prominent place in shaping early immune responses, other studies have attempted to influence the atopic march through diet or probiotic-based interventions. While we wait for the body of research to grow, we can and should continue to focus on the fundamentals: breastfeeding which provides gut nourishing prebiotics (ie food for probiotic bacteria) exposure to germs in environment (ie pets & dirt!) once eating solids, exposing to a variety of fibers and colors in the diet (both feed good bacteria!) Did you experience asthma as a child? See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 18.06.2021

Now that there's been a reckoning on saturated fats, we can finally enjoy our coconut again! YAY! I recommend coconut frequently to my clients in a gut healing program. Not only is it delicious, it contains a wide array of gut-benefits including antimicrobial activities especially against yeast and anti-inflammatory medium chain fats. ... Unsweetened, canned, without additives/gums/thickeners is best. I like the brand Native Forest Simple, found at most Whole Foods. MCT oil is also a wonderful way to concentrate the benefits of coconut and add easily into a smoothie. Start with a small amount (~1 tsp) and slowly work up to 1 tbs per day (too much too fast can cause loose stools!). Are you eating coconut? What's your favorite way to include coconut in your diet?? See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 09.06.2021

Whether you feel keyed up and unable to relax, or struggle to get out of bed each day, you can give your adrenal extra love with foods high in certain nutrients. These nutrients are either pre-cursors for adrenal hormones OR help replace elements that are often lost more readily in states of adrenal insufficiency. Many people who have adrenal fatigue experience electrolyte imbalances. This is due to a deficiency in the steroid hormone a...ldosterone. 1) SEA SALT Adding plenty of unrefined sea salt to your food will help to balance out your electrolytes and minimize some of your symptoms (especially those related to blood pressure). The lowest lead levels in sea salt are found in Icelandic sea salt. Salt Verk is an excellent brand. 2) AVOCADO A low-fat diet is not ideal for people dealing with hormonal issues like adrenal fatigue (it’s also not ideal for most people, period). Your body needs both fat and cholesterol to produce hormones. Avocados are also a fiber powerhouse which help to foster better blood sugar control = lower cortisol spikes. 3) ORANGE JUICE Rich in vitamin C and folate, both which nourish the adrenal glands are are needed more during times of high stress. Add unsweetened coconut cream or milk to balance the carbohydrates with healthy fat and prevent blood sugar spikes. 4) TURKEY An excellent source of B6 (hormone co-factor) and protein (stabilizes blood sugar), turkey is not just for thanksgiving! Enjoy that skin for even more blood sugar stabilizing benefits. 5) PUMPKIN SEEDS Supplying fiber and zinc, pumpkin seeds support both thyroid and adrenal function. Have you incorporated any of these into an adrenal healing diet for yourself? See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 06.06.2021


Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 01.06.2021

Bloat, gas, or irregular bowels getting in the way of your daily activities? GI symptoms are one of the #1 concerns my patients come to me with. If you're struggling, know you're not alone! While healing the gut takes diligent effort, from a bird's eye view, it's actually pretty simple to get going on your gut healing journey.... 1. FIND A PRACTITIONER (YOU CAN TRUST!) Sometimes easier said than done but starting at the IFM database is a great pla...ce to start your search. Some functional medicine practices offer a discounted first visit so you can understand if the practice is a good fit for you. (I do!) This survey is the first step to scheduling a discounted consult with me: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/moday 2. TEST, DON'T GUESS If a practitioner says they can treat your issues without any testing RUN. It truly does require investigative labs to get a deep understanding of imbalances. Treating without having hard data will cost you time, money, and precious energy. At a minimum, my clients are required to complete a functional stool test, a micronutrient assessment, and baseline serum labs. 3. PERSONALIZED INTERVENTION A treatment plan should take your preferences AND what the practitioner thinks will be the most appropriate and effective for your unique health history and current functional medicine lab results. If it's a "do this or you won't get better", find someone else! 4. RETEST Often overlooked, but usually just as important as the initial test. Verify that the dysbiosis/infection/deficiency is improving or improved. Formulate a long term strategy for maintenance based on retest labs so that you can keep yourself symptom-free in the long term. Have you been working on healing your gut? I'd love to hear what you've found has worked the best for you in your journey! Tell me below! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 31.05.2021

Functional medicine can provide much-needed and much-overdue answers to long standing health issues. But, sometimes the answers (or lab results that come up) aren't ones the patient expects.

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 25.05.2021

A huge percentage of the US population suffers from acid reflux. If you've ever brought this up to a conventional practitioner before, you were likely told to avoid food triggers and begin taking a PPI. However, in 99% of cases, a PPI is not going to touch the actual root cause of acid reflux symptoms. These are the top 5 root causes I assess for when my clients come to me for acid reflux help: 1) FOOD TRIGGERS... They'll likely already be avoiding fatty foods, fried foods, spicy and acidic items, BUT most have not done thorough food sensitivity testing - either with labs or with an elimination diet - to uncover otherwise "healthy" foods that could be triggers OR haven't removed gluten/dairy/added sugars. 2) LACK OF CHEWING A large portion of carbohydrate digestion takes place in the mouth and if we're not properly masticating our food, then our salivary enzymes aren't able to do their jobs. This can hinder each subsequent step of digestion, resulting in increased gas/bloat/reflux. 3) LOW STOMACH ACID More often that not, I see low stomach acid as a cause of acid reflux. It seems counterintuitive but we need stomach acid to break down food. When food is not broken down properly, this increases gas production, which feels very much like heartburn. 4) EATING WHILE DISTRACTED Fast meals, eating while stressed, or eating while distracted means you're likely not chewing (see #2), swallowing air, and creating a situation where proper digestive secretions don't have a chance to be produced. 5) H PYLORI OR SIBO If you're doing the work and still having symptoms, it's a MUST to work with a skilled provider to rule out (or in!) H Pylori infection and SIBO. These are the primary gut imbalances/infections I see with my reflux clients. Rebalancing the microbiome in just a few months can solve years of painful acid reflux. See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 07.05.2021

Feeling stressed? ... Essential oils are still considered unsubstantiated in the scientific literature despite many observational associations by those who use or administer them in practice. Rose essential oil in particular, has been purported to possess anti-depressant, psychological relaxation, improving sexual dysfunction, and anti-anxiety effects. But, data has been lacking, especially in human studies. ... However a few studies show promising results... One study found that the inhalation of rose oil decreases relative sympathetic activity as measured by heart rate variability and low frequency amplitude of systolic blood pressure in healthy adult females. Others found decreased anxiety and decreased pain. Perhaps the most exciting found a 30% reduction in adrenaline concentration and a 40% reduction in relative sympathetic activity (ie fight or flight). I'll certainly be adding rose essential oil to the list of oils I diffuse in my home office. Have you ever used rose essential oil? See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 23.04.2021

Aloe vera has a long history of use as a therapeutic agent, used both topically and orally. Here are the situations where I consider using aloe: Peptic (stomach) ulcers Aloe vera has been found to be an effective treatment for gastric and duodenal ulcers. The anti-ulcer effects have been attributed to the anti-inflammatory properties. It's also been found to be an effective anti-inflammatory in H.Pylori infection. ... Constipation Aloe vera contains compounds known as anthraquinones which have a laxative effect on the body. Increased water is pulled into the intestines which helps proper contraction and relaxation of the intestinal muscle. Start with 1 tbs Lily's Aloe Vera juice (preservative free) upon waking in at least 12 ounces of water. Nutrient deficiencies r/t inflammation Aloe vera juice contains a wide array of nutrients including vitamins B, C, E, and folate. Plus, the mucilage content coats and soothes an inflamed GI lining. In turn, this helps create greater absorption from food. Have you ever used aloe vera? I'd love to hear about your experience in the comments! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 19.04.2021

Wishing you some healing time this weekend!

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 12.01.2021

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to everyone. I am so fortunate to see some family this year. If 2021 has taught me anything it is to prioritize family and friends above all. Stay healthy everyone! #family #christmas2020 #priorities #lifeisshort #mom #welcome2021

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 31.12.2020

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year from all of us at the Moday Center! One of the greatest joys of the holiday season is the opportunity to say thank you. We are so grateful for each and every one of you and we wish you the very best for a healthy, happy, peaceful new year.... See ya 2020. HURRY UP 2021! . . . #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 23.12.2020

The holidays are in full swing. And, even though they may look a little different this year, some of the same challenges remain. The holidays (unfortunately) conjure a lot of nutritionally charged emotions, concerns, fears and confusion among many of us. People tend to think that from October to January it’s not even worth keeping healthy habits going because, well, what’s the point with all the festivities? ... While there may not be an abundance of holiday parties and celebrations this year, the temptation can still remain to reward ourselves or punish ourselves for food choices, especially during this time of the year. Let's do things slightly different this year....Here's what I teach my clients who are meeting resistance about their dietary choices, from family, friends, or partners. 1. Be direct -- If someone is offering something that you do not want, simply say "no, thanks". It may feel weird at first, but keep practicing, it will be liberating! 2. Don't apologize! -- After saying "no thanks" resist the urge to apologize for why you won't be having a drink during that Holiday Zoom or cooking up your famous apple pie this year for your partner. 3. OPTIONAL -- Offer an explanation or alternative ONLY if you truly want to. Oftentimes, when you say no to something, some food, or some event, the person you're saying no to may project their own insecurities back onto you. Resist explaining yourself to these people. However, you may want to share your "why" with partners, family, and close friends. They may even join you in your quest! With all that being said, if you're indulging this holiday season, enjoy it, savor it, and then get right back making steps towards your health & wellness goals. #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 18.12.2020

Reflux is common & so preventable! There are some really simple actions you can take to investigate your specific triggers. 1. Remove triggers: spicy foods, citrus foods, tomato-based foods, fried foods. 2. Remove food allergens/sensitivities for two-three weeks. Gluten and dairy are most common. Corn and soy are also common. ... 3. Remove other common triggers like alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. 4. Change your lifestyle. Don’t eat three hours before bed. Give yourself a chance to digest your food. Deal with stress before you eat. Take five breaths before each meal. You’ll notice a huge relaxation in your nervous system, and you’ll digest your food better. 5. Add functional foods to help manage symptoms while you work on the underlying root cause: "The Soothers" -- DEMULSCENTS coat the stomach and prevent reflux (herbal tea that contains marshmallow root or DGL - Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat is what I recommend to my patients). -- BONE BROTH contains glutamine which helps build a more resilient stomach and small intestine lining -- include 8 oz per day. -- ALOE VERA helps reduce symptoms of acid reflux. Include 1-2 tbs per day. "The Digestion Boosters" -- Ginger & ACV both help support proper stomach acid production if the cause of your reflux is low stomach acid (more common than high stomach acid!!). Start with "the soothers" for a couple of weeks while removing triggers. Once symptoms stabilize, add a fresh ginger or a small amount of ACV before meals or 1x per day. #gerddiet #reflux #refluxdiet #gerd #guthealth #healyourgut #fixyourgut #gutbrainconnection #microbiome #foodsensitivity #gluten #inflammation #healthygut #begoodtoyourgut #guthealthmatters #guthealthy #guthealthiskey #digestion #digestionsupport #digestivehealth See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 14.12.2020

Leaky gut, also called intestinal permeability or gut hyperpermeability, is a loosening of the tight junctions between the cells that line your small intestine. Your small intestine has the job of absorbing most of your nutrition from food. But poor diet, stress, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or aspirin, alcohol or other irritants can cause inflammation of the gut lining and an increase in a protein called zonulin. Over time gaps open up in the intestinal l...ining and let undigested food particles and bacteria leak through the intestinal wall and into your bloodstream Your body’s immune response to these unnatural particles in the bloodstream contributes to a wide variety of symptoms and some diseases, such as celiac disease and Crohn’s disease. Recognized symptoms of leaky gut include brain fog, fatigue (especially after eating), joint pain, skin conditions, and more. Certain nutrients are critical in regulating and recovering from "leaky gut". L-GLUTAMINE -- Reduces markers of leaky gut and gut damage & provides your gut cells with the specific nutrients they normally use for healing OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS >> EPA/DHA (1,500-2,000 mg per day) -- Help to reduce inflammation and therefore make the gut wall receptive to messages from your brain and immune system. RETINOL (preformed vitamin A) -- Vitamin A deficiencies predispose to greater levels of intestinal permeability. + REMOVE TRIGGERS -- Gluten, dairy, other food sensitivities, stress, gut infections must be addressed to allow healing to take place! #guthealth #healyourgut #gutbrain #fixyourgut #gutbrainconnection #microbiome #candida #parasites #foodsensitivity #gluten #inflammation #antiinflammatorydiet #ibs #autoimmune #ibd #ibdwarrior #sibo #sibodiet #celiac #celiacdisease #glutenfreelifestyle #candidadiet #healthygut #begoodtoyourgut See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 01.12.2020

Need a quick breakfast recipe? This mushroom egg cup recipe from my functional nutritionist, Kayleigh Gilbert, is a great make-ahead breakfast for the busy holiday season! Have you ever made egg muffin cups before?? ... . . . #LifeCanFeelBetter #ModayCenter #nutrientdense #antiinflammatory #antiinflammatorydiet #phytonutrients #superfoodie #superfoodnutrition #eatfit #healthyfit #eatwelllivewell #eatgreen #eatmoreveggies #veggielover #nutrivore #cleaneatingdiet #wholefoodie #wholefoodsdiet #wholefoodfaves #eatwholefoods #wholefoodies #functionalnutrition #functionalnutritionist #holisticnutritionist #integrativenutrition #holisticnutrition #healingwithfood #healthyeatinghabits #healthyfoodie #nutritionistapproved See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 21.11.2020

What would you be able to do if you had ZERO digestive symptoms? (Psst tell me in the comments!) . . . #LifeCanFeelBetter #ModayCenter #guthealth #healyourgut #gutbrain #fixyourgut #gutbrainconnection #microbiome #candida #parasites #foodsensitivity #gluten #inflammation #antiinflammatorydiet #ibs #autoimmune #ibd #ibdwarrior #sibo #celiacdisease #glutenfreelifestyle #candidadiet #healthygut #begoodtoyourgut #guthealthmatters #guthealthy #guthealthiskey #digestion #digestionsupport #digestivehealth

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 13.11.2020

It's easy to give up when you are frustrated at not making progress. This may be trying to feel better, heal your gut, reverse your autoimmune disease, lose weight, complete a goal, or give up a bad habit. Whatever it is, there is always a way. Sometimes you have to step back for a while, take a break, ask someone for help and advice, try something new, change your mindset or attitude or get a different perspective.... Never, never, never give up. The answer is always there somewhere. #modaycenter #lifecanfeelbetter #resilence #believeinyourself #patience #keepgoing #functionalmedicine #truenorth #truehealth #holistic health #wholehealth #mindbody #nevergiveup See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 24.10.2020

How are you LIVING this weekend? Tell me in the comments! . . .... . #LifeCanFeelBetter #ModayCenter #fxmed #functionalmedicine #lifestylemedicine #healthbenefits #begoodtoyourbody #healthjourney #healthyyou #thenewhealthy #healthfirst #healthier #healthmatters #healthtip #healthtips #truehealth #investinyourhealth #healthconscious #wellnessthatworks #wellnesswednesday #wellnessjourney #wellnesswarrior #wellnesswins #wellnesstips #wellnessadvocate #healingmybody #healingmyself #nourishyourself #nourishthebody #nourishyourbody See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 20.10.2020

2020 has been a rough year. The first time that many of us have had to be separated from extended family and friends for so long. This thanksgiving I am grateful for many things especially my family, having a job that I love, healthy food, a roof over my head, my health and of course my animals. What are you grateful for this year? #gratitude #cantwaitfor2021 #family #lovewins #plantbased #thanksgiving #dogmoms #catlady #iloveleftovers #

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 06.10.2020

Join me tomorrow! Tuesday, November 16th at 3 pm eastern for an enlightening conversation with my friend Palmer Kippola, @palmer.kippola functional medicine health coach, autoimmune advocate and the author of the book "Beat Autoimmune". Palmer was 19 when she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Over several decades of learning, studying, and training with experts, she was able to reverse her MS through lifestyle and nutrition. Her book distills all thi...s wonderful information in one place to help others with all sorts of autoimmune diseases. She also runs Beat autoimmune academy through her website www.palmerkippola.com. I know this will be an inspiring and educational conversation! See you then. #MS #multiplesclerosis #MSwarrior #autoimmune #toxins #guthealing #gutimmune #healyourself #health advocate #immunology #immunesystem #autoimmuneprotocol #autoimmunedisease #autoimmunewarrior #autoimmunediseases #autoimmunewellness #autoimmunehealing #autoimmunehealth #hashimotosthyroiditis #autoimmunethyroid #thyroidhealing #hashimotos #hashimotosdiet #hypothyroid #aip #celiac #crohnsdisease #ulcerativecolitis #inflammatoryboweldisease #lupus See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 02.10.2020

Vitamin C is antiviral, antibacterial, and antihistamine, boosts antibody production, and improves antibiotic therapy. Enjoy broccoli, kiwi, brussel sprouts, grapefruit, papaya, red bell pepper, strawberries, and oranges, plus superfoods like camu camu, goji berries and incan berries for a Vitamin C boost. If unable to get enough from diet, we like Perque Buffered Vitamin C. We love this vitamin C because it is buffered which is the safest on our bodies (read: it is not... too acidic). Do you know if you're getting enough vitamin C? I use specific testing in my practice to make sure my clients are getting enough. DM me for more info! . #LifeCanFeelBetter #ModayCenter . . . #nutrientdense #antiinflammatory #antiinflammatorydiet #phytonutrients #superfoodie #superfoodnutrition #healthyfit #eatwelllivewell #eatgreen #eatmoreveggies #veggielover #nutrivore #wholefoodie #wholefoodsdiet #wholefoodfaves #eatwholefoods #wholefoodies #functionalnutrition #functionalnutritionist #holisticnutritionist #integrativenutrition #holisticnutrition #healingwithfood #healthyeatinghabits #healthyfoodie #nutritionistapproved #nutritiousanddelicious #nutrientdense See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 18.09.2020

Today I have an exciting conversation with an amazing expert on the microbiome and our immunity! You don't want to miss it! Kiran Krishnan @kkiran_00 is a Research Microbiologist and has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition market for the past 17 years. Most recently, Kiran is acting as the Chief Scientific Officer Microbiome Labs. He is a frequent lecturer on the Human Microbiome at Medical and Nutrition Conferences. He conducts the popular monthly Microbi...ome Series Webinars through the Rebel Health Tribe Group practitioner training program and has been a guest speaker on several Health Summits as a microbiome expert. He is currently involved in 9 novel human clinical trials on probiotics and the human microbiome. Kiran is also on the Scientific Advisory Board for 5 other companies in the industry. Kiran offers his extensive knowledge and practical application of the latest science on the human microbiome as it relates to health and wellness. MIcrobiome labs is an amazing company and I love their products for gut healing and microbiome balance. Join us today as we talk about the use of spore-based probiotics, inflammation and autoimmunity. Tune in at 2 pm Eastern right here! @microbiomelabs #guthealth #healyourgut #gutbrain #fixyourgut #microbiome #candida #parasites #foodsensitivity #inflammation #antiinflammatorydiet #ibs #autoimmune #ibd #sibo #celiac #glutenfreelifestyle #candidadiet #healthygut #begoodtoyourgut #guthealthmatters #guthealthy #guthealthiskey #digestion #digestionsupport #spores #probiotics #prebiotics #fiber #digestivehealth See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 30.08.2020

With so many changes over the past few months, it’s critical that we find pathways to foster a sense of control in our lives and destinies. When we have a stress response throwing us into a fight or flight state, our sympathetic nervous system is in full throttle. Luckily, we have a counter-response. Our parasympathetic nervous system branch works like the Yin to our Yang stress response.... Now for then ever, learning how to activate this calming, "rest and digest" nervous system mode is critical. There are several exercises that can be incorporated daily to strengthen the parasympathetic response. Deep diaphragmatic breaths regulate our heart rate, open our blood vessels, and dilate our bronchioles in our lungs to bring more oxygen to our brain and tissues. Mindfulness in any form - walking meditation, sitting, lying down body scans all affect our vagal tone and can immediately get us out of fight or flight. Soothing music, especially binaural beats in the alpha wavelength, can entrain the brain and induce a calm peaceful state. Creating positive images and thoughts in your mind are interpreted by your brain as current reality and induces calm. Pick one or two every day to strengthen your parasympathetic response, no equipment needed! Wishing you peace & calm days ahead. Do you think you might need deeper adrenal support ? Share and comment below! #LifeCanFeelBetter #adrenalfatigue #adrenalfatiguerecovery #adrenalfatiguediet #adrenalfatigueawareness #mindfullife #stressmanagement #adaptogens #stressreduction #namaste #mindbodygram #stressless #healthyliving #yoga #yogi #meditation #meditate #brainhealth #tired #guthealth #stress #selfcare #selfcaretips #selfcarematters #selfcaretime #stressrelief #stressreliever #lessstress #resilience See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 24.08.2020

Do you shift your diet when the seasons change? Bringing in "functional" foods as the weather cools can help support an easy transition from Fall to Winter! Turmeric -- Medicinal use of this golden spice dates as far back as 4000 years ago in Indian culture. Find out more about this super spice along with a menu of comfort foods that will not only make you feel good but will keep your joints happy as we head into the colder months.... Ginger -- Ginger, another important spice used in the Indian cooking, has also been long widely used for its medicinal properties. Now that winter is setting in, you would need foods that warm you up and boost your immunity & ginger is the perfect option. It can help ease nausea and stomach aches, activates your immune system, and soothes sore throats. Winter squash - a superior source of Vitamin A, and a good source of fiber, vitamin C, several of the B complex vitamins, potassium, and many other essential minerals. Apples -- Apple consumption has also been the subject of a few studies on reducing cancer risk, including liver cancer, breast cancer and esophageal cancer as well as the ability to mediate significant gut microbial metabolic activity due to the polyphenol (the colorful skin!) and fiber content. Soup/bone broth -- Bone broth has a unique combination of amino acids, minerals, collagen and cartilage compounds, which helps to fight off colds and maintain healthy bones and skin. The best part is that the nutrients are in forms that are very easy for the body to absorb. Additionally, the amino acid glycine in bone broth can be very calming which we can all use a little more of coming into election season. Are you including any of these foods ?! What's your favorite way to enjoy them? . . #fxmed #immunesupport #wholefoods #healingwithfood See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 10.08.2020

A big question I get alot is - I don;t understand how I could have leaky gut? I don't know how this could have happened. I don't have any risk factors. But when I start to ask questions like: Have you ever had food poisoning? Have you ever gotten sick while travelling? Diarrhea even? What did you eat growing up ? was it fast food, sugar, TV dinners, soda, donuts etc? Lots of pizza and bread? What about medications? Women forget abo...ut birth control pills- yes that is a synthetic drug and disrupts the microbiome. Antibiotics? For ear infections, bronchitis, UTIs? The Z-pak? How about steroids? Asthma medications, prednisone for poison ivy? PPIs for acid reflux? What about alcohol? You don't have to be an alcoholic to have intestinal damage from booze. Add all these things up over a lifetime and voila! This doesn't even cover toxins like heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides which damage our gut bacteria or one of our biggest triggers - STRESS! It's ok though, intestinal permeability can be healed. But you have to be honest about our current habits and environment and diet. You have to be willing to be patient and put in the effort to rebuild. Removing infections like parasites, bacteria and yeast, getting off medications, cutting back on alcohol, working with a nutritionist to use healing foods and eliminating triggers, adding in fiber/prebiotics and fermented foods and managing stress on the daily all are necessary for gut healing. What are your triggers? #modaycenter #lifecanfeelbetter #guthealth #healyourgut #gutbrainconnection #microbiome #candida #parasites #prebiotic #fiber #crohns #foodsensitivity #gluten #inflammation #antiinflammatorydiet #ibs #autoimmune #ibd #ibdwarrior #sibo #sibodiet #celiac #celiacdisease #SIFO #glutenfreelifestyle #candidadiet #healthygut See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 03.08.2020

It's that time of year again! "Fall back" when we gain an hour of sleep and all of a sudden our mornings are lighter but our afternoons a lot darker. We move back into standard time from daylight savings time. The bottom line is that this circadian swapping is not good for our bodies or brains. All of our cellular biochemistry is based around a circadian clock in all of our cells. When we start messing with light/dark cycles we also mess with the function...s regulated by these clocks, like hormones, blood pressure, digestion, and brain function to name a few. Studies have shown increased risk of strokes and heart attacks after both time shifts. There are increases in traffic fatalities and harmful medical errors shortly following when clocks are moved forward in the spring. And even though "springing forward" in the spring is worse there can be bad effects for the fall change as well. Losing an hour of afternoon daylight after setting the clocks back to standard time can trigger mental illness, including bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), aka winter depression. Until we abolish daylight savings time as Hawaii and Arizona have done, here some tips are to ease the transition. See my last reel on using a lightbox after the switch. Use it for 10-30 minutes in the morning. Make sure to get adequate sleep- 8 hours nightly- leading up to the switch and in the weeks afterward. Exercise in the morning and not at night close to bedtime Have a power-down hour before bedtime with no artificial lights, wear blue light blocking glasses and avoid stimulating or stressful activities. How do you feel about "falling back?" Comment below! #lifecanfeelbetter #timechange #brainhealth #fallback #circadianrhythm #sleepwakecycle #sleep #daylightsavings #standardtime #mentalhealth #sleepmedicine #jetlag #timechange See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 22.07.2020

Do you know if you have a healthy liver? Your liver is vital for creating bile to digest food and detoxifying your body of toxic substances. An unhealthy liver really impacts your health and is the source of many disease, but liver health can really be improved by eating certain foods!... Try getting these foods into your diet on a regular basis Turmeric root - A super anti-inflammatory food which can prevent liver damage from toxins Cilantro - Helps bind heavy metals like mercury and get them out of the body. Honeybush Tea - supports glutathione levels, which processes toxins Beet root - contains red pigmented phytonutrients called betalains, which support detoxification Green Tea - May lower serum liver enzyme levels like ALT and AST What foods are you eating to improve your liver health? Comment below, and let's discuss! #modaycenter #lifecangetbetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 04.07.2020

Hi Friends! This is the last official week of sober October and if you are participating many of you may be noticing some really positive benefits. Really the idea of taking a month long break is to examine the role that alcohol plays in your life mentally, spiritually and physically! I’ve talked so far about some of the physical benefits that removing alcohol has on our immune health, brain and sleep and cancer risk. ... Another great benefit of removing alcohol is the health and appearance of your skin! Our skin is really the outward manifestation of our inner health especially gut health and toxic load. Both which are messed up by alcohol. Alcohol causes leaky gut, inflammation and can kill precious microbes in our gut. It can cause massive yeast overgrowth as well. It also contributes to SIBO. Because it’s a toxin, it overloads the liver preventing detoxification off other substances from the body. It dehydrates the skin too. This leads to all sorts of skin issues such as flushing, broken capillaries, puffy eyelids, dark circles and bags under your eyes, acne rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. Who wants any of that? Has anyone noticed their skin looks glows when they refrain from drinking for awhile? Comment below! #lifecanfeelbettee #modaycenter #cleanliving #skinhealth#af #soberoctober #alcoholfree #skindeep #glow #healthyskin#soberlifestyle #loveyourliver#functionalhealth #sibo#guthealth #skingutconnection #rosacea #rosaceatreatment #detoxification #detoxyourbody #detoxprogram #liverdetox #detoxtips #detoxyourlife #toxins See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 21.06.2020

Hearts are heavy this weekend as we lost one of our precious fur babies #love #animallover Berkeley. He had a wonderful long life full of hugs, snuggles, belly rubs, naps, hiding bones, and trying to eat garbage. We will never miss those big hound dog eyes. Life was better with you in it. #beaglesofinstagram #beaglelove #hounddog #dogmom #doglover

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 11.06.2020

Did you know pumpkins are considered a winter squash? ... Considered cooling in nature, squash is used by traditional Chinese medicine to detoxify, quench thirst, relieve irritability, alleviate skin lesions, remedy urination difficulty, and treat edema. ... Winter squash, including pumpkin, is loaded with vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene). It is also a good source of vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, manganese, omega-3 fatty acid...s, copper, vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and B9 (folate). ... Beta-carotene, the most abundant nutrient in winter squash, has been found to have very powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Beta-carotene may help to prevent hardening of the arteries, protect against diabetic heart disease, reduce the risk of colon cancer, and reduce the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. ... PUMPKIN SPICE SMOOTHIE 4-6 ice cubes 1/2 cup canned pure pumpkin puree (unsweetened) 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup frozen cauliflower 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (more as needed) 2 scoops collagen peptides 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice Pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon . Add all ingredients to blender, process until smooth. Enjoy! . What is your favorite way to prepare winter squash? . . #LifeCanFeelBetter #ModayCenter #nutrientdense #antiinflammatory #antiinflammatorydiet #phytonutrients #superfoodie #superfoodnutrition #eatfit #healthyfit #eatwelllivewell #eatgreen #eatmoreveggies #veggielover #nutrivore #cleaneatingdiet #wholefoodie #wholefoodsdiet #wholefoodfaves #eatwholefoods #wholefoodies See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 26.05.2020

If you have food sensitivities or react to chemicals severely, you may have poor immune tolerance. Immune tolerance is a key concept in immunology. A healthy immune system tolerates or doesn’t react to things like our own tissues, harmless foods and other substances like allergens. When you have proper immune tolerance, you have very few or no food sensitivities,you don’t react to chemicals severely and you won’t have autoimmunity. Wh...en we lose immune tolerance, there is impairment in immune resilience. If you suspect food sensitivities or if you react to lots of different chemicals, your immune system is likely in a semi-compromised state as the cells that are typically involved with fighting off infections are now not as efficient. One of the best ways to improve your immune resilience is to support immune tolerance. So, how is this done? Identify & remove highly reactive foods from the diet to test your sensitivity- complete a 30 day elimination diet and look for changes in your bowel, mood, skin, energy, brain fog headaches etc. Alternatively, complete food sensitivity testing with a practitioner Remove toxic chemicals from your daily environment (i.e. fragrances, phthalates, parabens, plastics, and heavy metals from personal care products) Support gut microbiome diversity. Eat a wider variety of plant based foods with a lot of fiber and resistant starches. If you eat the same foods every day you can lose your microbiome diversity. You CAN improve your immunity with easy, everyday actions! What are you doing to improve your immune resilience. Comment below, I'd love to know! #modaycenter #lifecangetbetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 16.05.2020

Have you been eating for your skin? What we put into our body is crucial for creating a healthy skin barrier which is actually the first defense in our immune system! When we have inflamed and broken skin microbes have a much easier time getting into our body. The appearance of glowing, dewy, radiant skin is often the outside sign that our insides are healthy!... What about foods that can IMPROVE skin health? As the largest organ in the body, our skin deserves only the best. Everything listed here can promote skin health whether that is by reducing redness, acne, and psoriasis, OR promoting strength, integrity, and moisture. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and herring have omega-3 fatty acids which are anti- inflammatory and the fats make up an important part of our skin cell membranes. Dark chocolate! This has flavonoid compounds which are antioxidant and protect against UV damage.Make sure to pick a dark chocolate that has at least 70 % cocoa to maximize benefits and minimize sugar. Broccoli sprouts are full of sulphoraphane which increases glutathione and have Vitamin C and A which protect your skin from sun damage and increase the elasticity in your skin. They can also be helpful in calming rosacea. Lastly water! Although not a food. Water plumps the skin by keeping our cells hydrated and and helps our liver and kidneys do better at detoxing from chemicals, and removing waste. Comment below your favorite foods for your skin! #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 29.04.2020

Who agrees? I am not anti-medicine. It can be life-saving in so many conditions! But you can't expect a body to heal just by taking medicine and ignoring all the other aspects of our health like adequate sleep, stress reduction, connection, avoiding toxins, a healthy diet filled nutrient-dense organic food, and daily exercise. Your body is your house, and you only have one to inhabit for your lifetime. Even William Osler knew back in the 19th centu...ry that medicine has it's downsides. Not only in conventional medicine are they ignoring the "root causes of disease" they cover it up with drug after drug, often treating side effects with other drugs. It's called polypharmacy. "Here's some Prilosec for the ulcer that your NSAID medicine gave you" "Here's a drug for the constipation that your opiate gave you" "Here's an antigungal for the yeast infection that antibiotic gave you" Insomnia from drugs, weight gain, depression, low libido, rashes, elevated liver enzymes, fatigue, rashes, muscle aches, lowered immunity, anemia. This list goes on. We've all heard the commercial. Even death. Before you go to that drug - ask the question? Do I really need it? Am I doing the best for my body first and foremost? What can I add that will be healing ? What can I take away that is not serving me? Comment below and let me know what you are doing to keep your "house" healthy and avoid medicine! #modaycenter #lifecanfeelbetter #fxmed #functionalmedicine #begoodtoyourbody #healthyyou #healthtips #truehealth #wellnesstips #healingmybody #healingmyself #nourishthebody #healyourbody #naturalhealing #hormonebalance #detoxyourbody #dailydetox #nontoxicliving #holistichealing #nutrientdense #antiinflammatory #antiinflammatorydiet #phytonutrients #wholefoodsdiet #healingwithfood #nutrientdense See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 09.04.2020

How diverse is your diet? A diet diverse in many plant foods is the secret to optimizing your health. #1 Eating from the of colors in plant world assures you that you are getting a slew of phytonutrients from the pigments in planet. Think purple, red, green, orange and yellow. #2 Different fibers and resistant starches found in whole grains, tubers, root veggies, and crucifers will feed the variety of gut bacteria to keep your immune system. #3 Eating the same food all th...e time causes food sensitivities to worsen . It’s easy to get in a rut though so follow these tips! Simple ways to diversify your diet are: Eating what's in season Shop at your local farm market Grow your own herbs and micro greens Pick a new color to concentrate on every day like white for cauliflowers, orange for peppers, and purple for grapes Challenge yourself each week to eat new foods that you don’t normally eat. Swap out quinoa for Amaranth, almonds for macadamia nuts and carrots for rutabaga! (How to know what's in season: www.seasonalfoodguide.org) Aim for 8 to 10 different types of plants every day to keep your gut happy. Comment below with some of the ways that you are upping the diversity in your diet! #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 23.03.2020

The majority of the world will get infected with Epstein-Barr Virus at some point in their life! Most people usually carry this virus in a dormant state, but it can lead to health concerns when it reactivates from stress, trauma, toxins or other immune weakening triggers. This clip is from an enlightening conversation I had with @drkaseyholland. Click on the video in my IGTV to watch the whole thing!... #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 18.03.2020

If this past week has shown us anything it’s that no matter how rich and powerful you are- you are not immune to getting sick! Right now we are entering our normal cold and flu season and the best weapon we have against getting sick in general is taking great care of our bodies. Our immune system does not work well when it’s dealing with extra inflammation and certainly can’t deal with pathogens like viruses when it’s distracted an...d not getting the support it needs. That is why sober October is such a great thing to do right now! Let’s talk about some of the negative effects of alcohol on the immune system. One of the most significant immediate effects of alcohol is that it affects the structure and integrity of the GI tract and damages the gut microbiota. Alcohol consumption also damages T cells, and neutrophils in the GI system, and allows leakage of microbes into the circulation, which causes unproductive inflammation. Alcohol impairs the function of immune cells like lung macrophages and neutrophils, and weakens the barrier function of the cells in the lower airways. Alcohol consumption has been linked to lung diseases, including pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome which is often the end product of lethal cases of COVID-19. Acute binge drinking also can weaken the immune system temporarily, so it’s not just chronic alcohol use. Have you noticed a difference when you drink less alcohol? Comment below and let’s discuss! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 03.03.2020

One side of this equation is just as important as the other. We often want a lot of things in life but either - we are not willing to do the work - we are not willing to give up things, habits, negative thoughts, toxic people getting in our way. ... At the same time, we may not believe that we deserve good things to happen to us. We may not truly believe in ourselves and our abilities. We may even secretly self sabotage ourselves because we are afraid of failing or afraid of actually achieving what we want! Believe me, this was a big struggle for me for a long time. Self doubt, and negative self talk still creeps in from time to time, but I just keep flexing my positive, self compassion and confidence . I know that when the Universe comes knocking with a gift or opportunity. I want my door to be open. Look inward and ask yourself what do you want out of life? Now that you've asked, are you truly prepared to receive it? If not, why? What are the limiting beliefs holding you back? What are you doing to change this? Leave a comment below about something you want to ask the universe for! #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 20.02.2020

Did you know that Cannabis can be used for your immunity? We know that using Cannibis can benefit sleep, anxiety and pain depending on the make-up of the strain. In some studies Cannabis has also been immune boosting! It helps our immune system fight cancer cells or even lowers HIV viral counts in monkeys.... It regulates and corrects the immune system, and makes it immune balancing! How does this work? We have an endogenous Endocannibinoid system and 2 main receptors for both THC and CBD The CB1 receptor is predominant in the brain and periphery and CB2 is more prevalent on immune cells which is where most of the immune benefits take place. CBD or cannibidiol seems to be anti-inflammatory to our immune system and shows promise in treating symptoms of multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. CBD encourages apoptosis (programmed cell death) which is an important process that clears out damaged or harmful cells. CBD suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines like Il-1, Il-2, IL-17 and INF gamma, which can help in controlling autoimmune symptoms. CBD can increase the number of immune balancing regulatory T cells. CBD and other cannibinoids can quiet down microglial cells in the brain, lowering neurologic inflammation. Seek out really high quality full spectrum hemp and CBD products from companies that are USDA approved, organic, and free of toxins. Have any Cannabis questions? I'd be happy to answer it in the comments! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 14.02.2020

This month, I have a challenge for you! This may help you alleviate anxiety and depression, improve your hydration and skin health, improve sleep, and provide more energy and productivity. The challenge is to go 31 days alcohol free. Now before you roll your eyes, bear with me. It's the beginning of the cold/flu season, and with the presence of prevalent viruses, we need to make sure our immune systems are tuned up and as robust as possible! ... The past 7 months have been stressful due to the isolation. Many of you may have increased your alcohol intake which can have negative effects on your immune system, sleep, weight, mood, energy, and brain health. Over the next 31 days, reset physically and examine your relationship with alcohol. It's likely you'll lose a few pounds, improve your blood sugar, improve your memory and learning, and improve your brain health. You might even save a little cash. So for the next 21 days, join me in Sober October! Take on a new challenge such as meditating daily, running a mile a day, doing daily yoga, or journaling daily. Re-connect with your self, get healthy for the winter season, and give yourself the gift of a sober October. I'll be posting in-depth content on the benefits of going alcohol free, and ways to decrease your stress. Look out for fun updates, yummy mocktails, and more! What will be your focus for sober October? Tag a friend in the comments that you think can take on this challenge! Tagging: @rmiskelly @sobersis #modaycenter #lifecangetbetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 07.02.2020

Insomnia is more prevalent than you think! Nearly 1/3 of the general population is affected by it. Melatonin is reported to improve sleep. Eating melatonin-rich foods could help sleep as well! Research has shown that melatonin is in many various foods:... Eggs & fish Nuts Mushrooms Melatonin displays many bioactivities, such as anti-inflammatory characteristics, immunity optimization, antioxidant activity, cardiovascular protection, anti-obese, anti-aging, and anti-diabetic! Have you had insomnia? Let me know in the comments below! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 01.02.2020

Deficiencies can be hard to spot! Most chronic disease is due to cellular deficiencies of micronutrients. Correcting these deficiencies can prevent, treat, and reverse many medical conditions.... With the Jumpstart program, we discover exactly which supplements and foods to focus on. The Jumpstart program helps: Optimize adrenal function Check for vitamin and mineral deficiencies Increase energy Interested in learning more? Click the link in the bio and learn more about how the Jumpstart program could be the perfect fit! #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 27.01.2020

The foods you eat impact and contribute to the strength, or weakness, of your immunity. With all the food options out there, it can be tricky to get the proper amount of nutrients and vitamins necessary to support your health and vitality. Which is why we wanted to introduce you to the Apple Cider Vinegar tonic we love called Fire Cider. Fire cider is infused with superfoods such as garlic, onion, horseradish, ginger, apple cider vinegar,... and cayenne. Each tablespoon has an energizing punch of concentrated ingredients and can be consumed every day! Fire cider is great for your immunity because it can prevent or shorten the duration of cold and flu symptoms. Fire cider: - reduces histamine response and inflammation - eases nause, stomach aches, and sore throats - is full of probiotics which support gut health - is packed with vitamins, including vitamin C and A How do you prepare for the cold and flu season? Comment below and lets discuss! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 22.01.2020

Your body's natural defense mechanism kicks in when a toxin invades your system. In this clip we discuss our detoxification system and the effect of toxins on the body! Glad to have spoken with @drjillcrista about these key topics. Comment below something you would like to know more about regarding toxins and your body! #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 17.01.2020

Having an autoimmune disease does NOT necessarily weaken immune resilience. For some people that have autoimmunity, their immune system is actually heightened and they have a high degree of immune resilience. If you haven’t had a cold or flu for 10 years this may be you! However, autoimmunity coupled with low white blood cells may play a role in why someone is always prone to the latest bug. People with autoimmunity and a compromised imm...une system may have: Underlying gut bacterial overgrowth OR Epstein Barr viral infection With active autoimmunity, "boosting" your immune system can increase the amount of tissue damage. Instead of always boosting, focus on MODULATING or BALANCING compounds such as: Medicinal mushrooms Quercetin Curcumin Ginger Broccoli sprouts Need an answer about your health? Leave me questions in the comments below! #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 10.01.2020

Getting to the ROOT CAUSES of stress symptoms is what this program is all about. Being proactive about stress symptoms BEFORE they become a diagnosis is key to preventing chronic stress. Our Stress & Hormones program will help identify root causes of stress and plan a solution.... The program will identify: Causes of weight gain Hormone imbalances Causes of fatigue, mood issues, and more Stress shouldn't have control over life. Click the link in my bio to learn more! #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 05.01.2020

Ever wonder how to lower the risk of these conditions? Brain fog, depression, and dementia ALL have something in common an element of neuroinflammation at its root. To help you reduce these symptoms, here are some proven techniques to keep inflammation down in the brain:... Cut out sugary foods and excess amounts of starch and grain. High blood sugar and resulting insulin resistance will cause massive neuroinflammation. Keep your microbiome balanced with plenty of fiber and probiotics. Gut inflammation affects brain inflammation! Include healthy fats in your diet such as Omega-3 from fish oil, MCT oil, or a fan favorite avocado! To turn off the inflammatory response of our immune system specifically lowering the production of NF-kappa B you can use curcumin (from turmeric), vitamin D, and Omega-3 fatty acids. BONUS TIP: Daily exercise brings lots of oxygen-rich blood circulation to power our brain cells and mitochondria. Learn something new? TAG someone you care about in the comments to share this information with them! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 30.12.2019

Health problems can take YEARS of feeling good away from you. My #1 priority with clients is to get to the root of those problems and make you FEEL BETTER! This client came to me with HPA axis dysregulation. After consulting with me and making some life adjustments, here are her results:... Newfound energy all-day long Restored nutritional deficiencies Overall health & ready for her next step in life having a baby! Who else wants to feel better? Let me know some problems you're having in the comments below, and see if I can help! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 13.12.2019

Have you considered the cleanliness of your water lately? We all know that water is a crucial element to our health. But not just the water we drink! Transdermal absorption of water, like through showers or baths, can play a big role in your health and unfortunately, tap water is not what you want to be using. We can absorb a lot of toxins, pharmaceutical, hormones, heavy metals etc across our skin membranes.... Here is a quick guide on some healthy and clean water habits: Upgrade your water bottle: Most bottled waters on the market are just filtered tap water and expose you to a heavy dose of plastic which is a major hormone disruptor, even if it is BPA free! Invest in a high-quality water filter: Both municipal and basic household water filter systems, like Brita and Pur, only filter out a handful of chemicals. We love the Berkey water filter. Consider a shower filter: A quality shower filter, like Aquasana, lowers the transdermal absorption of chlorine & other chemicals. Try a bath filter as well: Love baths? Me too! Using a bath filter can further lower the amount of toxins you may absorb through the skin. Follow these tips to ensure clean water and a happy body. Leave me a comment with any questions you may have about water cleanliness! #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 24.11.2019

When I'm feeling overwhelmed and need to relax, nothing helps more than doing yoga! It makes me feel better, stronger, and more physically fit. The main reason I do it though is to calm my nervous system, reduce my stress, and make my immune system stronger and more balanced. You see acute, intermittent stress is actually not harmful to your immune system. It upregulates your cellular immune response and makes you ready to fight off infection from invaders.... However, when your stressors become chronic, the immune system gets less responsive and weaker. Yoga helps make your immune system more adaptable. Yoga calms the mind. The breath work blunts our sympathetic nervous system response, lowering heart rate, blood pressure and improving oxygenation of our tissues. Yoga poses help massage and rejuvenate immune organs and channels. Yoga indirectly lowers cortisol hormones by inhibiting the activity of parts of the hypothalamus in the brain which perceives stress. This affects the pituitary gland to produce less ACTH and decreasing ACTH lower the synthesis of cortisol from the adrenal glands. Yoga does more than help your physical, emotional, and mental health. Yoga helps your precious immune system do its job! Going into the cold and flu season, this is something we all definitely need. Do you make yoga part of your regular routine ? Comment below how it helps you, I'd love to hear from you! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 10.11.2019

Did you know olive oil can decrease inflammation and improve your health? This common household item is not only tasty and delicious, but is the cornerstone of many diets! For example, the Mediterranean diet includes olive oil and is the ONLY diet that consistently decreases inflammation and improves health outcomes on many levels. Olive oil works this way because it has the amazing substance, polyphenols. Polyphenols protect the fatty ac...ids in olive oil from getting oxidized. In other words, they give it anti-inflammatory effects. This is why olive oil is used as a functional food for cancer, brain disease, dementia, arthritis, asthma, and heart disease. The polyphenols in olive oil can also be found in tea, chocolate, and red wine. Does ANY olive oil work? Not really. The best olive oil to use is: Organic, extra virgin, expeller-pressed, early harvest and from one variety of olives The highest polyphenol content that you can get Slightly greenish in color rather than yellow and has a bitter almost pungent taste. This is due to the presence of the polyphenol oleuropein, an exclusive polyphenol of olive oil. Over 500 mg/kg polyphenol content for the best health benefits. In the EU some companies will actually post their polyphenol content on the bottle. The most recently harvested oil you can get your hands on, so look at the dates on the bottle carefully! Do you currently use olive oil for any of these benefits? Let me know in the comments! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 22.10.2019

Hands up in the comments if you relate to this! I see this with my clients. Sometimes the biggest healing milestones come back "setbacks". I think there really are no setbacks, simply learning experiences. What is one step backward that you realized actually benefited you in the future?! . . . ... #LifeCanFeelBetter #ModayCenter #fxmed #functionalmedicine #lifestylemedicine #healthbenefits #begoodtoyourbody #healthjourney #healthyyou #thenewhealthy #healthfirst #healthier #healthmatters #healthtip #healthtips #truehealth #investinyourhealth #healthconscious #wellnessthatworks #wellnesswednesday #wellnessjourney #wellnesswarrior #wellnesswins #wellnesstips #wellnessadvocate #healingmybody #healingmyself #nourishyourself #nourishthebody #nourishyourbody See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 04.10.2019

Living an inflammatory lifestyle lowers the activity of your immune response over time. When our immune cells get sidetracked dealing with purposeless inflammation, you lose your ability to clear infections effectively, which increases overall inflammation. It's important for you to break this vicious cycle before it gets out of hand! There are several key players that contribute to this immune system dysregulation:... Gut issues, such as SIBO, yeast overgrowth, or lacking healthy microbes in your gut causes inflammation which can affect the whole body. Stress chemicals like adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol can cause inflammation over time, and chronic inflammation makes you secrete MORE of those chemicals. Chronic inflammation lowers the activity of your immune response including your Natural Killer cells and protective Th1 cells. This affects your ability to clear infections effectively, leading to more inflammation. So what can we do? Rid your gut of 'bad bugs' while nourishing it with good nutrients and bacteria. Decrease your stress chemistry with proper circadian rhythms, meditation, deep breathing, and adaptogens. Lower other causes of inflammation by reducing your exposure to chemical toxins in your environment, treat anemia and poor oxygen status, and manage poor blood sugar control and nutrient deficiencies. Tackle these issues consistently and you will see an improvement in your quality of life. Comment below if you're struggling with inflammation! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 18.09.2019

Are you getting QUALITY sleep? Sleep is especially important to support a healthy and balanced immune response. Your body actually becomes a little inflamed while you sleep. This occurs partially because of the actions of the hormone melatonin which increases certain pro-inflammatory cytokines and white blood cells. This helps you fight nasty viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells all while your body is resting.... Your immune system also gets to tap into your body's energy sources when you're not active because your immune cells need glucose to function. This is all mediated by your biological clock and the balance of the hormones melatonin and cortisol. Melatonin is naturally released at night and cortisol (stress hormones) decreases. Or at least it should! Disruptions in your sleep-wake cycle disrupts your hormone regulation, which weakens your immune system. Combat this by preparing your body to get a full nights rest. Here are some tips to help ensure you get the quality sleep you need 1 create a daily sleep-wake schedule and stick with it- even on the weekends. 2 add calming and sleep-enhancing supplements like magnesium, Valerian, L-theanine and GABA. 3 create a soothing nighttime ritual to help you calm down before sleep 4 optimize your melatonin- taking 1-3 mg can be helpful in an antiviral response. 5 don't hit the snooze button! Get up and expose yourself to full spectrum light as soon as possible. Having issues getting a full nights rest? Let me know what some of your symptoms are and lets discuss! If you want to learn more I wrote an article all about this for @mindbodygreen - just click the link in the bio! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 30.08.2019

We are not completely bound by our genetics! Epigenetics gives us the chance to modify our gene expression through healthy and consistent habits. Each of us may be more prone to certain ailments due to our genetic code, but through proper diet, exercise, sleep, etc. we can minimize negative expressions and maximize positive expressions. Thank you @drashleybeckman for having this discussion with me on IG Live! Comment below a topic that YOU would like to see covered in a future one!

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 14.08.2019

Everything you do (or don't do) determines your quality of life. Be sure YOU are the one responsible for the outcome. Complacency is the enemy of growth, so take action! Comment below ONE THING you will change by the end of this year! .... . #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 30.07.2019

Do you feel thirsty throughout the day? Does it feel better after drinking water? This is a huge indicator that you're dehydrated and your immune system is compromised. Water is a vital part to healthy functioning because:... 70% of your body is water Nearly half your brain is water Hunger is often a mis-signal for thirst When dehydrated, your immune system takes a hit: Immune cell signaling and communication becomes compromised Biochemical pathways in the immune system become less efficient Communication between the lymphatic system and different immune messengers become compromised Bottom line, drink water regularly every day. It improves resilience and is especially important if you come down with an infection. One easy step you can take is to track your water intake for 5 days. Afterwards, increase your intake by 16 ounces a day for 7 days. Do this until you reach half of your body weight in ounces, or reach 100 ounces, whichever comes first. Do you think your hydration levels may be affecting your immunity? Comment below and lets discuss! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 22.07.2019

Women have a much higher risk of autoimmune disease than men. Part of that is genetics, but a lot of it is also the effect that stress and stress hormones have on our immune system. Some other factors at play here are our female hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. When our immune system first develops, it learns to be "tolerant" to our own cells and tissues. If immune cells recognize our own bodies cells as foreign or something to attack, those dev...eloping immune cells are destroyed. One of the reasons we get autoimmune disease has to do with the loss of tolerance". Problem is, as we go through life, factors such as food, gut health, antibiotics, toxins, infections and stress can all disrupt this protective tolerance and cause an autoimmune reaction! Imbalanced stress hormones are a HUGE factor as they weaken our mucosal immunity - our first line of defense to the outside world. They also weaken T cell function and antibody formation, lower protective IGA, and disrupt our circadian rhythm necessary for a balanced and strong immune system. Controlling our stress response is KEY to preventing autoimmune disease. Did you know about this difference in risk of autoimmune disease between men and women? Let me know in the comments! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 07.07.2019

Have you ever considered that certain foods can actually WEAKEN your immune system Certain inflammatory foods deplete your antioxidant reserves, which are critical for a properly functioning immune system. Studies say that 90% of Americans are lacking in at least one essential nutrient! This is detrimental as infections can't be properly fought when you have significant nutrient deficiencies. ... In particular, a nutrient dense diet affects the reduction of viral infection and illness severity by: Balancing inflammatory pathways Reducing oxidative stress and increasing antioxidant levels Harmonizing the gut microbiome Avoid or minimize foods with these attributes to improve your food immunity! Added sugars and salt High-glycemic foods (including processed carbohydrates) Excess saturated fat Excess Alcohol Foods fried in vegetable oils and partially hydrogenated fats (which are in packed and fast foods) Any food allergens you have What foods affect you most? Comment and let’s share! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 19.06.2019

Did you know the mucosal immune system (the GUT immune system) is the first line of defense that protects your body against outside dangers like viruses? It's the main defense system in our body, protecting the urinary, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems. In this program, we use a specialized functional medicine test to measure elevated antibodies that are predictive of autoimmunity, poor immune defense, and future food sensitivities. ... Then, we create you a customized functional medicine treatment plan based on the results to PREVENT the inflammation that leads to autoimmunity and lowered immune tolerance. Health is your greatest asset. Take control of yours now with this unique program! Comment below any questions you have and let's discuss! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 07.06.2019

Ever wonder why you wake up feeling unrested? Low energy levels in the morning can be a huge stressor, so here are some simple steps to help you get the quality sleep you deserve! Establish a bedtime routine. Here are some examples: 5-10 minute guided meditation for sleep read for 15 minutes (nothing too intense) ... write in a journal Dim the lights before bed: A few hours before bed keep the lights low in the house. Your melatonin is trying to kick in telling your brain to go to sleep and even small amounts of light can suppress melatonin! Especially bad is blue light from computers, phones, etc. If you must work close to bedtime, apps like f.lux help dim blue light or use glasses that filter blue light. Also, keep your bedroom completely dark! Cut out the stimulants: First try cutting down to one cup of coffee in the morning, and avoid chocolate and caffeinated tea after 2 pm. Also, try not to exercise too close to bedtime. Although exercise is crucial for good sleep, save the HIIT workouts for the morning or right after work. It can be overstimulating and raise your stress hormone too close to bedtime. Instead try some gentle yoga or walking. Lower your temperature. Taking a warm shower or bath before sleep induces a quick cool down period afterwards which can help you relax. Adding Epsom salts that contain magnesium also helps our muscles relax. Keep your bedroom temperature on the cool side as well. What works best for you? Comment below and let's discuss! . See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 21.05.2019

This Thursday I will be on IG Live with Naturopathic Doctor, Author, and Speaker, Dr. Jill Crista! We will be discussing the health issue of mold illness and toxicity. More than 1 in 4 buildings have had enough water damage to grow toxic mold. It can happen where you live, work, or spend a lot of time. Mold can affect your health without you even knowing. Dr Crista helps people spot mold sickness and provides the tools to recover and get th...eir health back on track. Our discussion will be centered around these topics and more! Join us this Thursday, August 20th, at 2:00PM EST right here on my IG Live! Leave a comment below for any questions or topics you would like to see discussed. See you there! #brainhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #brain #concussionmanagement #consussiontreatment #concussion #concussions #consussionrecovery #tbi #braininjury #postconcussionsyndrome #pcs #concussionawareness #tbiawareness #headinjury #traumaticbraininjury #webinar #healthwebinar #IGLive #health #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthiswealth #healthgoals #healthbenefits #healthtalk See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 18.05.2019

We’re at a time where keeping your immune system optimized is vital for your health. By varying the species of healthy bacteria in your gut, you strengthen your gut barrier and reduce the toxicity of pathogens. The best way to do this is consume more whole, plant-based foods. This results in the production of short-chain fatty acids which positively influences immune reactivity. Prioritize whole food fibers over fiber supplements as ...research shows GREATER benefits from whole food fiber. Aim for at least 25 grams of fiber per day! Ideally 30-35 grams for women and 35-40 grams for men. Popular plant-based foods that are good for fiber include: Lentils Apples Strawberries Black beans Oats What are your favorite forms of fiber? Let me know in the comments! See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 13.05.2019

Another happy client! Don't let health problems hold you back from living your life to the FULLEST. . Leave me a comment about any issues you're having, I'm here to help!

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 08.05.2019

Getting to the ROOT CAUSES of your symptoms- your hormone imbalances- is what this mini- program is all about. If you've gained insight from my stress and hormones posts, consider signing up for this unique program! The Stress & Hormones Program includes: - Precision Analytical DUTCH Complete test & expert interpretation - 60 minute virtual visit with Dr. Heather Moday, Board Certified Immunologist, and certified functional medicine ...doctor. - Healthy at Home: A Guide to Non-Toxic Living eBook - OPTIONAL ADD-ON: 60 minute virtual nutrition visit with Kayleigh Gilbert, MS functional nutritionist. Don't let stress control your life, take action. Let me know any questions you have in the comments below. Click the link in my bio to get started! . . #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter . . . #stress #stressrelief #nostress #stressed #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #burnout #relax #relaxation #wellbeing #destress #antistress #stressmanagement #stressless #stressful #dontstress #mystressreliever #stressfreelife #releasestress #nostresszone #stressfree #stressreliever #stressedout #worklifebalance #WFH #adrenal #takecareofyourself #hormonebalance See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 18.04.2019

This Friday I will be on IG Live with Naturopathic Doctor Dr. Kasey Holland! @drkaseyholland. We will be discussing the health issue of Reactivated Epstein Barr Virus and Immunity. Dr. Kasey is an active member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the National Association of Environmental Medicine She helps her patients through care of their human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. She specializes in c...hronic cases, especially Epstein Barr Virus, Lyme disease, and mold. Our discussion will be centered around these topics and more! Join us this Friday, August 14th, at 3:00PM EST right here on my IG Live! Leave a comment below for any questions or topics you would like to see discussed. See you there! #immunity #immunitysupport #immunityboost #functionalmedicine #rootcause #brainfog #immunesupport #immunesystem #immunehealth #guthealthy #gutbiome #guthealth #vitamins #EBV #chronicfatigue #Epsteinbarr #toxicmold #mycotoxin #detox #healthyfood #healthyliving #plantbased #antiviral #virus #lymedisease #chroniclyme #antioxidant #antioxidants #probiotics #naturalhealing See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 01.04.2019

Thank you @hjlit_ and @tracy.behar for this amazing opportunity to write and share more about what I love!

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 23.03.2019

Experiencing random panic, worry, and anxiety? You may be experiencing a result of long-term low-level stress. This weakens your immune system, causes you sleep issues, lowers libido, and even slows your healing. What happens is your brain's amygdala, the fear center of the brain, responds to low-level stress with the same reaction to high-level stress. It releases stress hormones like epinephrine, norepinephrine, and later, cortis...ol, which activates our fight or flight reaction. This is an automatic reaction meant to keep us out of danger. However, it doesn't differentiate between an immediate danger and something we anticipate or imagine. The excess cortisol weakens your immune system, while the excess norepinephrine causes sleep issues, lowers libido, and slows healing. As a result, you end up stressing without a real and present danger. So what can you do? When you're under excess stress, stop and acknowledge what you're feeling. Use your higher brain to process these thoughts. Take time to process it using techniques such as: Journaling Talking with someone Meditating Deep breathing Once you've processed it, evaluate your thoughts and choose a different response. What has and hasn't worked for managing your stress? Let me know in the comments and let's discuss! . . #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter . #stress #stressrelief #nostress #stressed #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #burnout #relax #relaxation #wellbeing #destress #antistress #stressmanagement #stressless #stressful #dontstress #mystressreliever #stressfreelife #releasestress #nostresszone #stressfree #stressreliever #stressedout #worklifebalance #WFH #mindsetmatters #takecareofyourself #livewell See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 10.03.2019

With so many changes over the past few months, it's easy to feel out of control. When we become stressed our fight or flight kicks in and puts us in a heightened state of awareness. It engages our sympathetic nervous system into full throttle. Luckily we have a system to counter that. Our parasympathetic nervous system branch works like the Yin to our Yang stress response. Learning to activate this calming, "rest and digest" nervous sys...tem mode is critical for your health. Pick one or two of these exercises every day to strengthen your physical response to stress! Happy body, happy mind. If you're looking for more guidance on handling stress, we've launched a great program to help you take control. Check it out and click the link in the bio! . . #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter . . . #stress #stressrelief #nostress #stressed #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #burnout #relax #relaxation #wellbeing #destress #antistress #stressmanagement #stressless #stressful #dontstress #mystressreliever #stressfreelife #releasestress #nostresszone #stressfree #stressreliever #stressedout #worklifebalance #WFH #mindsetmatters #takecareofyourself #livewell See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 08.03.2019

Diet has a HUGE effect on our adrenal glands and subsequently our stress levels. Happy adrenals help allow fatigue, brain fog, and body fat to clear. Take care of those adrenals!... . . #ModayCenter #LifeCanFeelBetter . . . #stress #stressrelief #nostress #stressed #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #burnout #relax #relaxation #wellbeing #destress #antistress #stressmanagement #stressless #stressful #dontstress #mystressreliever #stressfreelife #releasestress #nostresszone #stressfree #stressreliever #stressedout #worklifebalance #WFH #mindsetmatters #takecareofyourself #livewell @ Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 20.02.2019

Providing balance for your overworked adrenal glands can lead to: Steady energy, all day long Clear, hydrated skin Painless monthly cycle... Sunny mood, without stimulants or medications Better immune function Be proactive about your stress symptoms and your body will thank you later! . . #LifeCanFeelBetter #ModayCenter . . . #adrenalfatigue #adrenalfatiguerecovery #adrenalfatiguediet #adrenalfatigueawareness #mindfullife #stressmanagement #adaptogens #stressreduction #namaste #mindbodygram #stressless #healthyliving #meditation #meditate #brainhealth #weightloss #tired #guthealth #stress #selfcare #selfcaretips #selfcarematters #selfcaretime #stressrelief #stressreliever #lessstress #resilience #emotionalresilience @ Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 09.02.2019

I love hearing positive stories from clients! See what Cathy had to say about the 6 month medical program. Are you ready to reach your health goals? Comment below some health goals you are trying to achieve! #LifeCanFeelBetter #ModayCenter... #health #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthiswealth #investinyourself #healthychoices #healthyfood #cleanliving #healthjourney #healthtips #healthier #healthybodyhealthymind #livewell #healthspo #cleanliving #mindbodysoul #takecareofyourself #wellnessjourney #healthgoals #healthbenefits #healthtalk #healthierchoices #nourishyourbody #nourishyourself #healingmyself #healthyyou See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 29.01.2019

Millions of women suffer from hidden hormonal imbalances These symptoms can cause you serious problems if misdiagnosed or missed completely You might not realize you have hormone imbalances, adrenal insufficiencies, or symptoms of chronic stress.... However, if you take action to care for it you can see improvements in your health and wellbeing! How have you been feeling recently? Comment below and let's see how we can help you! #stress #stressrelief #nostress #stressed #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #burnout #relax #relaxation #wellbeing #destress #antistress #stressmanagement #stressless #stressful #dontstress #stressfreelife #releasestress #stressfree #stressreliever #stressedout #worklifebalance #WFH #mindsetmatters #psychology #anxietyrelief #takecareofyourself #depression #menopause #moodswings See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 15.01.2019

Is your immune system feeling weak? Let’s offset that by eating more fruits and vegetables daily! Research indicates that brightly colored vegetables and fruits strengthen immunity better than most supplements. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetablesaim for 8-10 cups per day. How many are you getting currently? How can you squeeze in more colors daily? Comment below and let me know! ... . . . . #LifeCanFeelBetter #health #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthiswealth #investinyourself #healthychoices #healthyfood #cleanliving #food #diet #nutrition #immunity #healthjourney #healthtips #healthier #healthybodyhealthymind #livewell #healthgoals #healthbenefits #healthtalk #healthierchoices #nourishyourbody #nourishyourself #healingmyself #healthyyou #healthconscious #healingmybody @ Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 04.01.2019

This Thursday I will be on IG Live with award-winning International Speaker and #1 Best-Selling Author Dr. Titus Chiu! We will be discussing a huge health issue that is largely ignored by conventional medicine concussions. The lasting impacts of concussions affect our mood, mental health, immunity, brain health, and more. Dr. Chiu helps people struggling with post-concussion syndrome get their brains and their lives back by getting to the root cause of w...hat’s ailing them. Our discussion will be centered around these topics and more! Join us this Thursday, July 30th, at 3:30PM EST right here on my IG Live! Leave a comment below for any questions or topics you would like to see discussed. See you there! #brainhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #brain #concussionmanagement #consussiontreatment #concussion #concussions #consussionrecovery #tbi #braininjury #postconcussionsyndrome #pcs #concussionawareness #tbiawareness #headinjury #traumaticbraininjury #webinar #healthwebinar #IGLive #health #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthiswealth #healthgoals #healthbenefits #healthtalk See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 25.12.2018

Tune in tomorrow at 2 pm eastern for an exciting discussion with @drashleybeckman. I met Ashley at a gut health conference and was amazed by her wealth of knowledge surrounding the field of epigenetics - basically how our lifestyles, environment and food choices shape our health. Dr. Ashley is a doctor of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture and a board-certified acupuncturist and herbalist in Los Angeles. She received her doctorate in Healthy Aging and Longev...ity and wrote her thesis on epigenetics, the study of how our genes are affected by our diet and lifestyle. She currently practices virtually and lives in Malibu, CA. She specializes in healthy aging, epigenetics, pain management, fertility, detoxification, headaches, stress reduction, and facial rejuvenation. She also co-founded Golden Path Alchemy, an organic skincare company based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has studied the healing properties of herbs, holistic nutrition, flower essences, essential oils, light color therapy, and whole foods for more than twenty years. Dr. Ashley combines all these elements to instill holistic lifestyle change. Don't miss our conversation! #genetics #epigenetics #food sensitivity #food allergy #guthealing #detoxification #nontoxicliving #toxicfreebeauty #toxicfreehome #holisticwellness #holisticlifestyle #holisticliving #nutrientdense #antiinflammatory #antiinflammatorydiet #phytonutrients #superfoodnutrition #functionalnutrition See more

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 16.12.2018

#challengeaccepted Thank you @drbindiyamd and thank you to all the amazing women in healthcare who make a difference everyday. Let’s continue to support our sisters against sexism, homophobia, and racism. We are stronger and more bad ass when we raise each other up! #strongertogether#badass #bosslady #womendoctors #womeninhealthcare #loveislove #womenempowerment #togetherwerise

Moday Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine 05.12.2018

The only CBD brand I trust. @PlantPeople is actually full spectrum help extract. By providing, the FULL active components available in the plant, these products can be much more effective at much lower doses. My staff & I have used the Drops, Drops+ Sleep, and Be Calm and have loved all of them! ... Try them out for yourself with the link in my bio! .. #LifeCanFeelBetter #ModayCenter .. #adrenalfatigue #adrenalfatiguerecovery #adrenalfatiguediet #adrenalfatigueawareness #mindfullife #stressmanagement #adaptogens #stressreduction #namaste #mindbodygram #stressless #healthyliving #brainhealth #weightloss #tired #guthealth #stress #selfcare #selfcaretips #selfcarematters #selfcaretime #stressrelief #stressreliever #lessstress #resilience #emotionalresilience See more