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Locality: Brogue, Pennsylvania

Phone: +1 717-870-9598

Address: 2335 Cramer Rd. 17309 Brogue, PA, US

Website: newhopepres.net

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New Hope Presbyterian Church 04.07.2021

Charles Stanley ~ In Touch Ministries May 15, 2021 The Gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:22-39... There’s some confusion in the church today concerning the Holy Spirit. A number of Christians think the indwelling of the Spirit occurs sometime after salvation, but Scripture teaches that He comes to permanently live within a new believer the moment he or she places faith in Jesus. We don’t need to pray specific words for the Spirit to arrive. Nor do we have to attend a special service invoking His presence in order for Him to dwell in us. Any teaching that claims we can lose the Spirit and must regain Him over and over again is false. As soon as we trust in Jesus, His Spirit comes to abide with us forever (John 14:16). This truth is essential to understand, because Scripture clearly says that anyone who doesn’t have the Spirit does not belong to Christ (Rom. 8:9). It would be impossible to live the Christian life without the indwelling Spirit. He’s the one who guides us into God’s will, teaches us the truths of Scripture, transforms us into Christ’s likeness, and empowers us to serve and obey God successfully and joyfully. When you fully understand this fundamental truth, you realize that instead of trying to get the Spirit, you need to live like the Spirit-filled Christian you are. Bible in One Year: 2 Chronicles 15-17

New Hope Presbyterian Church 27.06.2021

Charles Stanley ~ In Touch Ministries May 14, 2021 Learning Through Adversity Psalm 119:65-80... When we experience adversity, we tend to wonder, Why is this happening to me? Although the answer might remain a mystery, Scripture gives us a foundation from which to view difficulties. God’s Word tells us that we live in a fallen world filled with sinful people, that even the redeemed are not exempt from trouble, and that Satan has great influence here. But as believers, we know God uses our troubles to accomplish His good purposes. Although they are sometimes the Lord’s means of correcting us when we stray, trials also teach us to depend on Him rather than ourselves and to trust He will supply our needs. A diet of nothing but manna must have seemed like a great trial to the Israelites wandering in the wilderness. Yet that was God’s means of humbling them and teaching that He alone was their Provider (Deut. 8:3). Understanding these things about God, you can begin to recognize adversity as a reminder of His great love. And not only that, but difficulties are also a way to know Him more intimatelythat is, you won’t ever experience God as Comforter if you’re never in need of comfort. So whatever the reason for your trial, realize that He has allowed it for your good (Rom. 8:28). Bible in One Year: 2 Chronicles 11-14

New Hope Presbyterian Church 16.06.2021

Charles Stanley ~ In Touch Ministries May 13, 2021 Motivation to Press On 1 Corinthians 15:51-58... We would all agree life can be difficult. Pressures of daily living can feel overwhelming, relationships can disappoint us, and at times our expectations go unmet. So it’s good to remember an important truth that can sustain us: This life is not all there is; the best is yet to come. Having the promise of the resurrection gives us the motivation we need to be firm, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58). We know that our efforts are never in vain and our Father has provided everything we need to succeed: God’s Word reveals His purpose for all believers and transforms our character, thoughts, and behaviors to align with His desires. The Holy Spirit providentially guides us into God’s will and empowers our obedience. Spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit and enable us to serve the Lord in the way He’s planned. Prayer allows us to communicate with God at any time to receive guidance and grace to help with every need. These remarkable divine provisions, together with the promise of resurrection and the glories of heaven, give us good reason to persevere and never lose heart. Bible in One Year: 2 Chronicles 8-10

New Hope Presbyterian Church 28.05.2021

Charles Stanley ~ In Touch Ministries May 12, 2021 God Desires Faithfulness 1 Corinthians 4:1-5... We’re often drawn to stories about underdogs whose achievements surpass all expectations. Whether it’s athletic contests, intellectual pursuits, or business ventures, we applaud their success. But as impressive as human accomplishments may be, they are not the standard by which God measures success. The Lord values faithfulness, and the praise for a job well done won’t come until we reach heaven. It doesn’t matter how talented or successful we are by earthly standards, because God’s goal for us is obedience, faithfulness, and Christlike character. Since the Lord wants us to succeed spiritually, He has provided everything we need. His Word gives us principles to practice, testimonies of faithful men and women to study and emulate, and the most powerful example of love and obedience: His Son. Whether in speech or in work, Jesus did nothing on His own initiative (John 8:28). His desire was to be completely dependent on His Father and obedient in every aspect of His life. Is that your desire as well? It’s easy to become sidetracked from this goal, but if you’ll persist, God Himself will be pleased with your faithfulness. Bible in One Year: 2 Chronicles 5-7

New Hope Presbyterian Church 22.05.2021

Charles Stanley ~ In Touch Ministries May 11, 2021 Choosing to Believe John 3:1-21... Salvation isn’t something we can claim because we were born to believing parents or have attended church. Jesus warned that many would call Him Lord without actually belonging to Him (Matt. 7:22-23). To become a genuine believer in Jesus Christ, we need the following: An understanding of the gospel. In order to believe and receive the good news of Jesus Christ, a person must have an understanding of his or her hopeless, sinful condition. It’s also necessary to recognize Jesus’ death on the cross as the sufficient sacrifice required to remove all sins. A definite turning point. When someone understands the gospel, he or she will turn from sin in repentance and toward God in faith and obedience. A changed life. Changing direction from our old fleshly lifestyle makes way for new life in Christ. Believers have a changed heart, and the sins we once loved, we now hate. By grace, God’s salvation is offered to all who will believe and receive it through faith. Those who follow Jesus don’t often trudge through the practices of religion out of habit. Instead, their worship and joy are a vibrant response to the personal relationship they have with the Lord. Bible in One Year: 2 Chronicles 1-4