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Locality: Mount Joy, Pennsylvania

Phone: (717) 694-3322

Address: 73 W. Henry St. Mount Joy, PA, US

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Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 07.01.2021

Seminar update: I took a few weeks off but I am working on 3 new ones. 1.Knife offense - 2. Gang attacks - 3. Hand gun to rifle, rifle to hand gun - Note: yo...u must have gone thru the gun combat course first. I will run these in the order from the feed back that you all send me & i will get dates set up ASAP. Also, I can do any of the following past seminars at anytime. 1. Gun combat 2. Just in case - Preparation for possible civil war 3.Breathing - i am looking at adding a few things 4. Ladies only 5. Question marks 6.. Faith & Battle 7.Weapon Retention - Based on wearing a duty belt 8.Twigs, Sticks & Asp 9.Ground survival Series - This is a 4 part series 10. Knife throwing See more

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 22.12.2020

Seminar update: Had someone ask me what I am doing with running seminars. I can do any of the seminars that I have been running in the past if anyone is interes...ted in them. Working on a few new ones that are appropriate for the times that we are living in. 1. Gang attacks - I need no less then 6 people for this 2. Knife offense 3. Combat Gun course #2 - Hand gun to rifle, rifle to hand gun. Also I am planning on a ladies only in Jan. & a breathing seminar in Jan or Feb. Let me know what you may be interested in so I can start to put these together with some dates.

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 16.12.2020

So proud of Kevin Jae Tucker. First jujitsu tournament & he takes home the GOLD! SYSTEMA! SAMBO!

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 05.12.2020

WRITTEN BY A COP: Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or a loved one's life. In daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things ...to do in an emergency situation... This is for you, and for you to share with your wife, your children, & everyone you know. After reading these 9 crucial tips, forward them to someone you care about. It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in. 1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do :The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do! 2. Learned this from a tourist guide. If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse,....... DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you... Chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse. AND RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION! 3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy.. The driver won't see you, but everybody else will. This has saved lives. 4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc.)... DON'T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your HEAD and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR, LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE.. If someone is in the car with a gun to your head DO NOT DRIVE OFF....... Repeat: DO NOT DRIVE OFF!!!! Instead gun the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car. Your Air Bag will save you. If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it. As soon as the car crashes......BAIL OUT AND RUN!!!! It is better than having them find your body in a remote location. 5. A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage: A.) BE AWARE... look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side floor and in the back seat. B.) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars. C.) Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and the passenger side.. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.) 6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot. This is especially true at NIGHT!) 7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; and even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!!!! Preferably in a zig -zag pattern! 8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP!!! It may get you raped or killed. (Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked 'for help' into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next VICTIM). 9. Another Safety Point: Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last and because it was late and she thought it was weird..She called the police. The police told her 'Whatever you do, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR! The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a windrow and she was worried that it would crawl to the street and get run over. The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way, whatever you do, do not open the door.' He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby.. He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that they hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night. 10. Water scam! If you wake up in the middle of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is a burst pipe..... DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These people turn on all your outside taps full blast so that you will go out to investigate and then attack. Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbors! I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know. It may save a life. I was going to send this to the ladies only but guys, if you love your mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, etc.... You may want to pass it onto them. Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this and SHARE. It may save your life or a loved one's life.

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 26.11.2020

Video test. A Great example of F E A R - False Evidence that Appears to be Real. People that have been with me for a long time will apricate this video. Message me when you have the answer.

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 05.11.2020

Seminar up dated schedule: 11/1 "Just in Case - Preparation for a Possible Civil War." 11/15 Ladies only 11/21 Gun combat I had some people who thought they... could make it on 11/1 but now can not, so I still have a few spots open for this date. I also have a few spots for the ladies only on 11/15. Sorry the 11/21 looks to be full. Working on a new seminar for around the 1st of the year. Bully proofing your kids. If you have any interest in any of these just PM me and I will do my best to get you in. All seminars to be held at the Juniata school

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 18.10.2020

Seminar updates: First I want to apologize for taking so long in between seminars. We've unfortunately had many funerals in the last month and a half. If you'...ve been watching the news you know things are very tense. So, I've put together a new seminar titled, "Just in Case - Preparation for a Possible Civil War." Date: 11/1/2020, from 2-7pm+. Location: Juniata School, 2067 Zeiders rd. Richfield pa. Price: Donation, I want to help people be prepared. It covers everything from health, weapons, protecting yourself n others in extreme situations by extremes measures if necessary. YOU WILL BE PREPARED FOR A CIVIL WAR SITUATION!! It's for anyone no matter what your physical abilities are. We will cover new things you never thought of and help you find where you're strong and where you're weak so you can continue to work on those areas. Things to bring: water, snacks, note pad n pen to take notes for later. Limited space available. No one under 16 without my and your parents approval. Please, if you say your coming it's very important you show up. Also we are still running the gun combat seminars. See more

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 04.10.2020

Seminars updates: due to all of the craziness going on, I have been getting a lot of request for a seminar on mass (gang) attacks. So I will start to put this t...ogether but before we do this, to make that seminar the most efficient, it would be best if we did a seminar on question mark & triangle principle's along with defense against 2 - 3 attackers first. I also still have at no less than 4 more gun combat seminars to go with this sat. being completely full. With the ways things are going I will always run the gun course as soon as I can. I have already did 1 question mark principle seminar. If you are interested in any of these seminars let me know so I can start putting them on a schedule so that we can get to the mass attack ASAP. Side note: If we get a big turn out for the mass attacks, I will not allow people who do not understand the principles to come due to slowing down the ability of the others that day. My Lancaster people already know these very well. Side note2: I also have had request for breathing, teamwork, knife dense & women's self defense seminars. I do have a group of women for sometime in January if the country can stay together that long. These seminars we all be held at the Juniata school. See more

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 25.09.2020

All these to be held at the Juniata school

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 22.09.2020

READ ARTICLE: WHAT TO EXPECT IN SYSTEMA June 22nd, 2017, by Bratzo Barrena... Instructor Systema Ruso Combate Funcional - Peru systemarusocf.wix.com/peru Most people who come for the first time to a class of Russian Systema, come with preconceived ideas about what they will get from training. In general, people come with the wrong idea, resulting from their experience in other martial arts or combat sports (as practitioners or spectator); some come with distorted or even unrealistic ideas, that seem taken from a Hollywood movie. In general, we can divide these people in two groups: 1) Those who expect to find techniques that are devastating, savage and aggressive, techniques that brutalize the opponent and that allow them to easily defeat any adversary. They want to be invincible! 2) Those who expect to find in Systema a martial art that develops their inner energy, chi or ki, with techniques that transcend the physical realm and that, with no effort nor pain, allow them to easily defeat any adversary. They also want to be invincible! Unfortunately, both approaches are utterly wrong. Some people from the first group get disappointed because they don’t find the physical and emotional aggressiveness, competitiveness and savagery they consider a martial art must have. Some people from the second group get disappointed because they realize that Systema requires lots of effort, proper biomechanics, physical pain, and emotional challenge. Understanding Systema requires a change in mentality. What you should expect from Systema is that: - Systema is self-defense, is not sport, is not fighting Simply put, combat sports and fights are ‘duels’, it means, two people want to hurt each other. Self-defense, on the other hand, implies a person who wants to hurt someone, and another person who doesn’t want to get hurt. This subtle difference changes completely the dynamics of a confrontation. - Systema is integral, is not specialized Martial arts specialized in one aspect of combat were not created for self-defense, they are sports, and yes, they are dangerous and effective in their specialty, and of course, the abilities they develop can be very useful in a self-defense situation (just like a ballet dancer can easily kick you in the face for self-defense, but ballet wasn´t created for self-defense). A self-defense situation requires having developed abilities suitable for any situation that may present: standing, on the ground, several attackers, weapons, confined spaces, defending another person and many more situations. Self-defense is not specialized, that’s why Systema offers an integral approach to it. - Systema won´t teach you a syllabus of techniques Having a repertoire of techniques that you must learn and repeat until perfection, only limits your infinite possibilities of movements to those that your syllabus allow. What Systema aims for is an integral development of your abilities, it does not aim for perfection, it aims for freedom; it does not aim for muscle memory, it aims for muscle intelligence; it does not aim for learning, it aims for understanding. It does not aim for limiting your abilities, it aims for expanding them. - Systema is not apparent Physical and emotional aggressiveness and violence are expressions of fear, they alert the aggressor and prepare him to confront you. Being emotionally altered diminishes your capacity for judging the situation, which can make you take the wrong decisions. Systema is not apparent. It’s goal is facing a situation in a relaxed and efficient way, without presenting yourself as a danger, a threat. Do what you have to do, without wild gesticulations, without showing off. - Systema hurts Even though one has to keep a relaxed body and psyche, punches, kicks, levers, locks, etc. must be efficient; they are not tense nor rigid, they must be relaxed, smooth, heavy and painful. Pain and physical effort are fundamental in Systema, because they allow you to train your body and psyche to understand the real physical dimension of pain (and fatigue), eliminating the emotional burden that intensifies it. It helps you know your real limits. But, this must be done progressively, avoiding injuries that harm the body and alter the psyche. Pain teaches, injuries destroy. - Systema does not require years of training As any human activity, Systema requires intense and constant training to develop your abilities to an appropriate level, but it does not require years for those abilities to be useful in a self-defense situation. It´s a progressive development, but does not take years. - Systema must be trained for a lifetime If Systema doesn’t require years of training, why it must be trained for a lifetime? Unlike other martial arts, one should not train Systema for a lifetime to achieve technical perfection, repeating again and again the same movements. Very much on the contrary, your Systema must change as you get older, the reason is very simple: if your body and psyche change as years pass, it´s logic that your Systema must change too. What you were able to do at 20, your body won’t be able to do at 40 or 60. The only way in which your Systema can adapt to the abilities according to your age, is by constant training, all your life. You change, your Systema changes with you. - Systema does not make you invincible. Systema allows you to develop abilities to defend in an effective and efficient way, but it does not make you invincible. This is why you must take into consideration that a confrontation is the last option. Fighting isn’t good nor bad, it´s necessary or unnecessary, but it’s always dangerous. You can read all my articles at: http://systemarusocf.wixsite.com/peru/blog

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 09.09.2020

Important Announcement: As of right now there is no plans of reopening the Lancaster school. For the last few years it was pretty much only 2 students that I could really count on for doing their best in making it to class. Timmy Wolkowicz & Kevin Jae Tucker. We were starting to pick up a few more people that I am sure we could've counted on right before the Mt. Joy Fitness center was forced to move. At no fault of theirs we were given a space in the new building that just ...does not meet our needs. I am still open to teach in Lancaster on tuesday evenings if we can find a new space that works & people are willing to come back & start training. . Our Juniata school has been growing. Not so much in regular classes but in people traveling in for seminars. In the mean time what I am offering to do is to put seminars together maybe every 4 to 6 weeks & cost will be only a donation to help out with travel expensive or maybe missing work due to changing your schedule for the day. I promise to make each seminar worth your time. Also I am going to be open for any suggestions on topics. I have been getting lots of request for seminars already but i still want to be loyal to my Lancaster FREINDS & students. so with that said, I will place your suggestions on topics at the top of the list & also the dates of when I should run these seminars. i will keep this page open so that you may see updates on what is going on if you are interested. I have been running a combat gun course that has become my most requested seminar of all time. I also have a question mark seminar on 8/23 2 till 7. I know that you guys understand this very well but i did add some things that are a little different. And last i want to thank everyone who has come to train with us over the years. It was a great 14 years together. See more

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 24.08.2020

Upcoming seminars, Gun combat & Exploring the Question Mark Principle: Next sunday 8/9 gun combat seminar. 2 till 7. as of right now this is the last one sched...uled. I do have some open space for this so if you are interested let me know. It could be the last one. Sunday 8/23. Exploring the Question Mark Principle 2 till 7. This is a modification of my seminar of training bouncers. If you were at the training at Altana's, this is a upgraded version (a little meaner) then that seminar. Both men & women will get a lot from this. Keep in mine that this seminar is ALL hands on. This will touch on hand 2 hand work ,both offensive & defenses, Helping a third person, We will also be touching on some basic weapon work. As of now I already have a group of people interested. Once I get a head count from them that we determine how many extra people I can let in. If you are interested let me know & I will put you on a waiting list in order that I receive your notice of interest. Going to do this on a donation bases like I have been doing. Things do not seem to be getting any better so this is my way of helping as many people as I can. This will be held at the Juniata school

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 04.08.2020

Opening up our Juniata school 6/17 6 till 8. Only $10 per class. All are welcomeOpening up our Juniata school 6/17 6 till 8. Only $10 per class. All are welcome

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 30.07.2020

Workshop of A.A. Kadochnikov in Yekaterinburg, 2000. In first minute of video, you can notice practising young Andrei Karimov. . .. ... ....... ..... ...... #СистемаКадочникова #RMA #systema #kadochnikova #система #самбо #systema #sambo #славянское #русское #единоборство #russianmartialart #slavic #siberian #cossack #русская #борьба #рукопашный #кулачный #бой #handtohand #самозащита #selfdefense #казачий #спас #biomechanic #bodywave #Биомеханика #волна #knife See more

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 10.07.2020

Rules for a Gunfight Anonymous - with my twist on things, Steve 1. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns. 2.... Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap life is expensive. 3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss. 4. If your shooting stance is good, you’re probably not moving fast enough or using cover correctly. 5. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral and diagonal movement are preferred.) 6. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a long gun and a friend with a long gun. (knife can be a great back up) 7. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived. 8. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running. 9. Accuracy is relative: most combat shooting standards will be more dependent on pucker factor than the inherent accuracy of the gun. Use a gun that works EVERY TIME. All skill is in vain when an Angel blows the powder from the flintlock of your musket. 10. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty. (this will only happen to people that have not trained in SYSTEMA) 11. Always cheat, always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose. (My saying - win if you can ,lose if you must but always always cheat). 12. Have a plan. 13. Have a back-up plan, because the first one won’t work. 14. Use cover or concealment as much as possible. 15. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours. 16. Don’t drop your guard. 17. Always tactical load and threat scan 360 degrees. 18. Watch their hands. Hands kill. (In God we trust. Everyone else, keep your hands where I can see them.)(With your palms facing me) 19. Decide to be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH. 20. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get. 21. Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet. 22. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one. 23. Your number one option for personal security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation. 24. Do not attend a gun fight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with anything smaller than 4. 25. You can’t miss fast enough to win. 26. Remember the Spetzna's motto - Don't beg, Don't trust, Don't fear. See more

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 02.07.2020

I Just want make you smile in this hard situation.... But if you don't like me , that's ok.... Not everybody has a good taste.... :D

Russian Martial Arts of Lancaster 17.06.2020

One of my favorite leg pistol exercises.