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Locality: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Phone: (215) 632-3720

Address: 11301 Academy Rd 19154 Philadelphia, PA, US

Website: www.stmarthachurch.com

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Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 06.11.2020

MASS FOR THE 30TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Father Jonathan Dalin, Presiding Deacon Ray Gwynn, Preaching Seventh Grade Mass

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 01.11.2020

ST. MARTHA PARISH SCHOOL FUNDRAISER! We are selling Football Frenzy tickets for our fundraiser. You can support us by clicking on the ticket image below, then create a simple account to purchase! Tickets are $10 each and you are entered to win Cash Prizes! Total prizes being given away are $2,500! Orders will be emailed to you and there’s nothing else you have to do to win! Order Online Now! Thank you for your continued support of St. Martha Parish School!

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 12.10.2020

MASS FOR THE 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Father Jonathan Dalin, Celebrant

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 04.10.2020

From the Desk of the Parish Administrator: Greetings to my Saint Martha Parish Family! Render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar!... This Gospel is very well known to all Christians. It is one of the most frequently quoted and cited. It is Jesus’ response to a verbal trap that is being set for Him. We hear in our Gospel that the Pharisees and the Herodians are united in their hatred for Christ and are now working together to entrap Him. The Pharisees are well known to the faithful. They are strict observers of both the written and oral law as well as tradition. They are considered legal scholars and are set apart by their belief in the afterlife. The Herodians are, as the name implies, those Jews who are defined by the alliance to King Herod. We see by these two groups that both the established religious powers and the secular powers are threatened by Jesus Christ and His teachings. The question that is posed to Christ is genius, Tell us, then, what is your opinion: Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not?. Any answers that they believed He could give would enable them to end His ministry. If Jesus replies with a yes than He is at odds with many Jews at the time and some who are following Him and they would begin to reject His message. If He responded with a no He could be taken before the Romans for treason. Which would end His ministry, message, and His life. It is an excellent trap for anyone but Jesus Christ! In our Lord’s reply He turns the tables on His inquisitors. While it is true He does affirm the legitimacy of the tax imposed by Caesar He reminds those who are asking the question and those listening that we owe more to our Heavenly Father. The coin bears the image of Caesar but we bear the image of God. Thus the higher obligation is to the Father. Obedience to legitimate authority is found in the fourth Commandment to Honor our Father and Mother. That does not mean we are to do the immoral even if it is considered legal. We should always be aware of the higher obligation we owe to God. We are made in God’s image. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, The Divine image is present in every man. (1702) Endowed with a spiritual and immortal soul, the human person is the only creature on Earth that God has willed for its own sake. From his conception, he is destined for eternal beatitude. (1703) My friends let us always remember that we are all created in the image of a loving God and practice greater charity toward each other. As the old song goes, may they know we are Christians by our love. God’s Blessings on you all! Your Servant, Father Jonathan Dalin

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 28.09.2020


Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 11.09.2020

From the Parish Administrator’s Desk Greetings to my Saint Martha Parish Family! This week, the 28th Week in Ordinary Time, the Gospel of Matthew recounts the Parable of the King’s Wedding Feast. This parable provides details of the wedding practices at the time of Christ as well as our Lord speaking prophetically.... In this parable Jesus speaks about the King preparing the wedding feast and then going out to call those invited to attend. This was a common practice at the time of the parable’s telling. Those who were invited would be told to prepare but they would not be given a date or time. Today an engaged couple usually sends out a Save the Date card as soon as the wedding is scheduled. Not so in Jesus’ time. People would know they were invited but not when to attend. They would, as we hear in the Gospel today, would come when the preparations were completed. Once the meal was ready the invitation call would go out. Being prepared is crucial to enjoying the festivities. The parable shows that being prepared is key to the relationship with the Heavenly Father. The invitation is one of great joy it is to a wedding feast. What can be alarming in this parable is that those called to the feast turn down the invitation. They are not engaged in any evil or sinful behaviors. They turn down the invitation because they are caught up in the work of the world. Our work is not bad and it provides for the family but it can get in the way of our relationship with the Heavenly Father. That which distracts us need not only be evil and sin. It can be the everyday and mundane. In the seventh verse of this Gospel Christ then offers a prophecy about the fall of Jerusalem. This will come to pass in 70A.D. Jerusalem is razed by the Romans and the people scattered. But the invitation and feast will still occur and now go out to all in the market and on the roads. This leads to a puzzling part of the parable. A man arrives and sits down not properly attired for the feast. Confusing since the servants were told to go out in to the streets and invite anyone. But a proper garment would have been provided by the King. So this man chose to sit and feast on his own terms not those of the King. This parable is a reminder to us that the chores of our daily life can get in the way of our relationship with God. Work can keep our eyes downcast not raised to the heavens. To do so means we miss a call of great joy. But if we choose to accept the Lord’s invitation we have a responsibility to follow the rules of our Host the Heavenly Father. My friends there is a lot of noise in our world today that can keep us from hearing the call of the King. Let us do all we can to reduce the distractions and provide time for the Lord. God Bless you all! Your Servant Father Jonathan Dalin

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 25.08.2020

MASS FOR THE 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Reverend Monsignor Andrew Golias, Celebrant

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 23.08.2020


Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 10.08.2020

Greetings to my Saint Martha Parish Family! In Gospel reading for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Matthew recounts the parable of the vineyard owner preparing his property for the tenets. In this parable Jesus is using images that His listeners would know from their earliest childhood. The Vineyard is an image used to mean Israel and her people. Also, It was common among landowners to make all the preparations that Jesus speaks of in the parable, i.e. the hedge, pres...s, and tower. Clearly the Heavenly Father has made these preparations and has entrusted His vineyard to His people. The beauty of this parable is that the Heavenly Father shows great trust and patience toward them in caring for His vineyard. True that they fail in their trust. They beat and kill the vineyard owners’ representatives, including his son. But the Father will still leave the vineyard to others to cultivate and bear fruit. The Father still places His trust in people. What I find striking about the exchange Jesus has with His listeners is that when they respond to the question of how the owner will react, they say he will put them to death, Jesus prophesies about His own coming passion and death. He responds not in agreement to their just but violent response but with God’s infinite mercy His sacrifice for our us. My friends Jesus Christ has infinite patience and love for His people, and He entrust us with so much as well. Christ entrust us with His Church. His loving heart in the world. Many times we all fail to reflect His love to others. Let us recommit ourselves to being worthy tenets of so great a Master and spread the love of Christ to those we meet throughout our days. NEVER LOSE HEART AND HAVE PATIENCE! God Bless You All! Your Servant, Father Jonathan Dalin

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 08.08.2020

Greetings to my Saint Martha Parish Family! In Gospel reading for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Matthew recounts the parable wherein Jesus speaks about a father with two sons. No, this is not the beloved parable of the Prodigal Son. In this parable the father asks his sons to work in the vineyard. One says that he will go and work but does not. The other son tells the father that he will not go into the vineyard but then thinks better and goes into the field to labo...r for the father. Neither are examples of dutiful sonship BUT one does the work and the other does not. This parable is Jesus addressing the contempt that the scribes and Pharisees have toward the tax collectors and public sinners. The scribes and Pharisees are the son who professes to do the will of the father and then do not fulfill the task. The tax collectors and public sinners are the son who refuse to work but then do so. Obedience is a virtue so few of us can master. It has been a problem for the followers of God throughout the ages. Our intentions are noble, but we fall short in their practice. And it is this practice, the faith put into action, that is of vital importance. Our faith cannot be just a faith of words without deeds. This is the lesson that comes from the parable Christ offers this week. Obedience means being faithful in word and deed. My friends let us look for those opportunities to be obedient to the call we have been given as followers of Christ and put the love of Christ into action in the lives of those around us. NEVER LOSE HEART AND HAVE PATIENCE! God Bless You All! Your Servant, Father Jonathan Dalin

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 30.07.2020

Mass for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reverend Monsignor Andrew Golias, Celebrant

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 19.07.2020

MASS FOR THE 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Reverend Jonathan Dalin, Celebrant

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 06.07.2020

Greetings to my Saint Martha Parish Family! In the Gospel reading, for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, from Saint Matthew we hear Jesus offering a parable of a landowner looking for workers for his vineyard. This parable should be a great comfort to all of us who have loved ones who have left the Catholic Church. I know it is a cause of worry and anguish for so many. Take faith and comfort in this parable BUT listen to its warning for us too.... The landowner goes out to the marketplace to call workers in to his vineyard. He goes out frequently. That is an important detail and the source of our comfort. We at times give in to the they had their shot and missed it attitude when speaking of those who left the Church. This parable proves that view is false through the words of Jesus Christ. The Heavenly Father is ALWAYS going out into the world (i.e. the marketplace) and calling out for people to follow Him into His vineyard. He never stops calling them and He never stops calling out to our fallen away loved ones. Let us pray that they have the wisdom, like those in the parable, to follow Him when He calls. But there is a warning for us as well. That we NOT be like those who choose to follow early in the day and then gripe about those who responded later. We are all laborers in the Lord’s vineyard and all our work is essential to our Lord no matter when we choose to respond. I have seen that attitude at times in people of faith. They undervalue the work and zeal of those who come later to Christ. Let us be grateful to God for all those who respond whenever they do so. Let us pray that our loved ones choose to answer the call. And be grateful they had the wisdom to follow the Heavenly Father’s call. All our work is essential for building up the Kingdom of God here on Earth! AND NEVER LOSE HEART! May God Bless You All! Your Servant, Reverend Jonathan Dalin

Saint Martha Church Philadelphia 28.06.2020

Mass for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Msgr. Andrew Golias, Celebrant Rev. Mr. Ray Gwynn, Assisting