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Slo-tility.com 01.01.2021

Top o Thursday Facers- so its Happy New Year indeed for some working poor, as the minimum wage is being raised by 20 States on Jan 1- the new rates will rise from $8.65 (FLA) to $14 (CA) (this scale is also a good spectrum of States Progressive policies...)- as the Economic Policy Initiative fires the salvo: "Redistributing money towards the lowest paid workers is smart policy, because they will spend it. This will help the shortfall in consumer demand our economy faces right... now"...- lets hope the other States follow suit, as the minimum wage, if it tracked inflation, would b... (wait for it)... 24 bucks!...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Soups- of course, the SLOtility Diet Supplements r well represented here, as we r crowdsourcing (Preloading Smooth Tomato) Soup, (Wal)nuts...- so add this to ur diet as a healthy way to drop pounds fast- and remember to Preload ur Soup, then eat small portions/lo carb and u wont b hungry for seconds...- everyone have a Healthy New Year :) See more

Slo-tility.com 21.12.2020

What up Wednesday?- how bout the relief check stakes?- thats right, when pretty much the entire country is in favor of a $2000 relief check, there is at least one guy, McConnell, whose rich donors dont like it- of course Bernie has vowed to fight for the people, threatening to filibuster until theres a pure vote on the checks- as he fires the salvo: "This week on the Senate floor Mitch McConnell wants to vote to override Trump's veto of the $740 billion defense funding bill a...nd then head home for the New Year. I'm going to object until we get a vote on legislation to provide a $2,000 direct payment to the working class."...- hopefully Bernie will follow thru and increase the pressure on McConnells corruption, until he is forced to hold a vote, or he is politically punished...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Weight Loss Foods- of course, the SLOtility Diet Supplements r well represented here, as we r crowdsourcing Salmon (Fish), Blueberries, Chia Seeds, and Green Tea...- so add these to ur shopping list for a lighter, healthier haul...- everyone have a wild wednesday! See more

Slo-tility.com 16.12.2020

Top o Tuesday Facers- so one good thing about the Omnibus Bill is that it authorizes spending on Green Energy- there will b $35 billion for renewables and phasing out hydrofluorocarbons- hopefully this will b the bellwether of the Biden administration, in addition to rejoining the Paris Accords and achieving clean energy by 2035- we will need all hands on deck for the battle against Global Warming and this is a start down that path...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Magnesium- of course, the SLOtility Diet Supplement regimens r well represented here, as we r crowdsourcing Magnesium, Walnuts, Salmon (Fish), and Dark Chocolate...- so add these to ur shopping list for a somnolent, healthy haul...- everyone have a terrific tuesday :)

Slo-tility.com 12.12.2020

Good Monday Morn Facers- so Trump finished grand standing, and signed the relief bill, in his typical lose/lose technique of stalling the relief AND not getting $2000 for citizens...- the bill provides $600 checks, UI, PPP, live venue grants, school funds, rent assistance, food help, vaccine funds, and tax repayment- hopefully this will help to hold the line until we can get a more functional administration in place...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Superfoods- of course, the SLOtility Diet Supplements r well represented here, as we r crowdsourcing (Blue)Berries, Fish, (Wal)Nuts, (Chia) Seeds, and (Preloading) Water...- so add these to ur shopping list for an energetic, filling haul...- everyone have a manic monday!

Slo-tility.com 27.11.2020

What up Wednesday?- how bout the crime syndicate bustin outta jail?- thats right, Trump has thrown a party for his criminal buddies and pardoned them, so they can walk free without punishment for their crimes- perhaps the most shameful is the pardoning of the Blackwater murderers, who, as the prosecutor fired the salvo, used "powerful sniper fire, machine guns and grenade launchers on innocent men, women and children"...- their company is owned by a Trump campaign contributor... and advisor, who is the brother of Trumps Sec of Ed as well...- and of course the Kingpin of the syndicate needs to be jailed when he steps down, or else he will follow the maxim of his buddies: if u dont punish a criminal, he will go on committing crime...- anyway, wanted to share a Spritzer recipe- of course, this Spritzer is SLOtility-approved, as we r crowdsourcing Sparkling (Red) Wine and Pomegranate Juice- so add this to ur arsenal for a healthy, filling toast...- everyone have a wild wednesday :) See more

Slo-tility.com 07.11.2020

What up Wednesday?- how bout the results in the air?- thats right, mr president is now generic until the smoke clears- of course, Trump will sue to retain power, as he fired the salvo: "we'll be going to the US Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop. We don't want them to find any ballots at 4 o'clock in the morning and add them to the list, okay"...- okay, hopefully there will b a blue wave of mail-ins that will wash away the criminally negligent administration and instal...l actual Statesmen who will bolster our infrastructure to count citizen votes, rather than discount them, literally...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Seeds- check out the section for how to incorporate them into ur diet- of course, we vote for Chia, and our dieters including them in their regimens know the difference, viz: an average weight loss of 7.5 pounds per month, and 8 mmHg drop in systolic blood pressure!- so next time in da produce aisle, pick up a chunk o Chia and git sprinklin- and dont worry, if u dont like them, the backyard birds will...- everyone have a wild wednesday :) See more

Slo-tility.com 18.10.2020

Top o Tuesday Facers- so EDay is here, and for the few people who havent already voted, let the games begin...- 6 States have already surpassed their number of votes for 2016 (!?), and this year projects for a record number of voters going back to 1900, when they had horse-and-buggy thru voting...- obvi we may not have results tonite, but the answer will soon become clear, whether we will move forward, or whether we will make America sick again...- hopefully there will b a bi...g enough Blue Wave that the Supreme Court will not have to decide on the Virus, even though they will b deciding who has access to healthcare for it...- so if u havent already, hit the voting lines- if ur in a city, bring War and Peace (avg reading time 6h), and if ur in the country, bring a cup o Jo...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Brain Food- of course, the SLOtility Diet Supplements r well represented here, as we r crowdsourcing Cacao, Green Tea, Walnuts, Chia Seeds, Salmon (Fish), and Blueberries- so add these to ur shopping list for a smarter, healthier haul- good luck to everyone and see u on da flipside! See more

Slo-tility.com 10.10.2020

Good Monday Morn Facers- so a Federal Judge has ordered the Post Office to mandate changes to xpedite the delivery of ballots before election day- he fires the salvo: changes "must be put in place to ensure we delivery every ballot possible by the cutoff time on Election Day."...- this as a response to Dejoys gutting of the Post Office months ago which has now created chaos- its difficult to believe that Pelosi wont prosecute Dejoy for sabotaging the Post Office, surely a fel...ony, but here we r- hopefully there will b a Blue Wave large enough to overflow the dam Dejoy has erected, and we can install actual Statesmen who will improve our Nations Postal Delivery system, rather than gut it and hand the system over to private profit delivery buddies which of course Dejoy has connection to...- anyway, wanted to share Soup recipes- of course, these Soups r SLOtility-approved, as we r crowdsouricng (Preloading Smooth Tomato) Soup, Red Pepper Flakes (Capsaicin)...- so add these to ur arsenal for warming, filling Soups- and remember to Preload ur Soup, then eat small portions/lo carb and u wont b hungry for seconds...- everyone have a manic monday :) See more

Slo-tility.com 02.10.2020

Good Morn TGIFacers- so Walmart has removed guns and ammo from its stores, in response to civil unrest, presumably to be responsible and make the public square safer...- but this begs the question: why not ban guns and ammo sales altogether?- why increase the chances of violence during normal times, and only try to save lives when there is turmoil?- hopefully there will b a Blue Wave which will wash away the criminally negligent administration, and install Statesmen who will ...regulate the gun industry to keep our public square safe, rather than leave it up to corporations who will always choose $ over citizen lives...- anyway, wanted to share Soup recipes- of course, these Soups r SLOtility-approved, as we r crowdsourcing (Preloading Smooth Tomato) Soup, Garlic...- so add these to ur arsenal for warming, filling Soups- and remember to Preload ur Soup, then eat small portions/lo carb and u wont b hungry for seconds...- everyone have a relaxing weekend! See more

Slo-tility.com 28.09.2020

Top o Thursday Facers- so Chief Justice Kavanaugh is on a roll, officially making wrongheaded pronouncements about our voting system, even as he will sit as a Supreme Judge on voting cases- first, he erroneously claimed that Vermont had not changed its system due to the pandemic, which he used as a 'fact' to bolster his argument against counting ballots received postmarked before election day- then, he went on to argue that 'States' "want to avoid the chaos and suspicions of ...impropriety that can ensue if thousands of absentee ballots flow in after Election Day and potentially flip the results of an election." (?!)...- this is false on both counts, as ballots tend to 'flow' during a pandemic and after the criminally negligent administration has gutted the Post Office (IOW, twice 2 equals 4...)- and 'flipping results' is a ridiculous concept- as any rookie Judge knows, election results arent official until certified, and obvi the essence of certifying results is actually counting all citizen votes, not a random Kavanaugh deadline- Kavanaughs concept is as dumb as my vote for Biden being counted, so Biden is winning!, and then 2 votes for Trump being counted, so the results have flipped!, and then 10 more votes r counted... (sigh)- hopefully there will b a large enough Blue Wave to wash away the criminally negligent administration before they get a chance to override the results via Supreme Court Justices that make weak sauce arguments to favor their personal predilections...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Grapefruit- of course, Red Grapefruit is a SLOtility Diet Xtra Supplement, and our dieters including it in their regimens r loving the skin theyr in via: an overall average weight loss of 15 pounds; 20/13mmHg drop in blood pressure; and 51mg/dl drop in blood cholesterol!- so next time in the produce aisle, pick up a gaggle o Grapefruit and git spoonin...- everyone have a thrilling thursday :) See more

Slo-tility.com 23.09.2020

What up Wednesday?- how bout Trump fleecing his creditors $270 million?- thats right, the mo of King Bankrupt once again reared its ugly head in 2010, when he borrowed $640 million to erect a tower in Chicago, then when the project crashed, he walked away and had $270 million forgiven both in payments and taxes...- and further along his mo, when the banks threatened to collect, he sued them (?!)...- so we see that for once Trump was telling the truth when he said its no probl...em that he owes $400 million to foreign creditors- they have about as much chance of him paying what he owes as a snowballs chance in Mar-a-Lago...- anyway, wanted to share Salmon recipes- of course, the SLOtility Diet Supplements r well represented here, as we r crowdsourcing Salmon (Fish), Walnuts...- so add these to ur arsenal for healthy delish dishes...- everyone have a wild wednesday! See more

Slo-tility.com 16.09.2020

Top o Tuesday Facers- so the Supreme Court this time bungles the Covid vote, and blocks Wisconsin ballots from being counted if received after Election Day, even after allowing post day counting in PA (?!)- thats right, even during a pandemic, and even as the criminally negligent administration works to gut the Post Office, and even if u mail ur vote in on time, Wisconsin still wont count ur vote if received after Nov 3...- as Kagan fires the salvo: "As the COVID pandemic rag...es, the Court has failed to adequately protect the Nation's voters. Tens of thousands of Wisconsinites, through no fault of their own, may receive their ballots too late to return them by Election Day," that voters must now opt between "braving the polls with all the risk that entails, and losing their right to vote."...- indeed the Justices who voted to block citizens votes should themselves have to travel to a Wisconsin public site and wait for 4 hours to vote, and hopefully they wont contract the Virus and allow Biden to fast track a Progressive Justice in their wake...- anyway, wanted to share new research on Omega3s- of course, the SLOtility Diet Supplements r well represented here, as we r crowdsourcing Fish, Walnuts, and Soy(Protein)beans...- so add these to ur shopping list for a heart healthier haul...- everyone have a terrific tuesday :) See more

Slo-tility.com 14.09.2020

Good Monday Morn Facers- so Melbourne is reopening, as it has no new cases (!?) after being Australias epicenter- this of course belies our criminally negligent administrations claim that herd immunity is a viable strategy- Australias protocol of locking down spread areas, tracking and tracing cases, and implementing social masking and distance has paid off, as they have contained the Virus- indeed our only hope here of any semblance of functional policy will be to vote the a...dministration out, and install actual Statesmen who will implement policy to contain the Virus, rather than facilitate its spread...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Flavanols- of course, the SLOtility Diet Supplements r well represented here, as we r crowdsourcing (Green) Tea, Red Wine, and (Blue)berries- so add these to ur shopping list for a relaxing, filling haul...- everyone have a manic monday! See more

Slo-tility.com 06.09.2020

Good Morn TGIFacers- so the final smackdown is over, as the candidates come down the home stretch- both sides scored points on the other- with Trump the aggressor and Biden backtracking- as usu, Global Warming was one of the biggest contrasts, and perhaps the moment that sums up our present tipping point came when Trump forced Biden to admit to phasing out the OIl industry- it was obvious that Trump comprehends this as heresy, as they r large donors and he cannot comprehend a... world that modulates Global Warming, and Biden stammered through his admission that we need to transit to renewables, showing his own traditional fealty to the stance that supporting the OIl industry is akin to breathing for a politician- at least he could muster up the salvo: "I would transition from the oil industry, yes because the oil industry pollutes significantly."...- in the end, one of the most obvious takes on the debates is that it was 2 cranky, tired old men who will of course pass the baton on to hopefully significantly younger leaders who will embrace the obvious: if we dont integrate renewables into our energy grid, then the suffering will be immense as compared to trying to empathize how the fossil fuel industry will suffer cutbacks in order to save our environ...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Spices- of course, the SLOtility Diet Supplements r well represented here, as we r crowdsourcing Cinnamon and Garlic- so next time in the baking aisle, pick up a sack o Spices and git sprinklin...- everyone have a relaxing weekend :) See more

Slo-tility.com 17.08.2020

Top o Thursday Facers- so tonites the last nite...- thats right, Biden and Trump square off for the last time tonite at 9, on the stream of ur choice- the topics will b: "Fighting COVID-19," "American Families," "Race in America," "Climate Change," "National Security" and "Leadership"...- hopefully Biden will b able to showcase his policies, which will b needed to climb out of the Viral Recession- and hopefully Trump will be able to fill in a blank book full of health care an...d Hunters criminology...- anyway, wanted to share Potato Soup recipes- of course, these Soups r SLOtility-approved, as we r crowdsourcing (Preloading Smooth Tomato) Soup, Garlic (Powder)...- so add these to ur arsenal for warming, filling Soups- and remember to Preload ur Soup, then eat small portions/low carb and u wont b hungry for seconds...- everyone have a thrilling thursday! See more

Slo-tility.com 11.08.2020

What up Wednesday?- how bout the Government taking on Goliath... i mean, Google?...- thats right, the Government is suing Google for monopoly practices in the search engine sector- weve seen this dance before, as the Microsoft lawsuit years ago was for the xact same behavior: buying up market access so theyr r the only game in town (to mix metaphors...)- as an x DOJ officer fires the salvo: "Google search is not a neutral gateway to the information available on the web. Googl...e search is a set of algorithms designed to make Google or Alphabet, its parent company the most money it can possibly make."...- hopefully the Courts will sanction Google, and this will b the first step to breaking them up, so that we can actually have a free market where consumers and providers can flourish, rather than just one fat cat...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Blueberries- check out at the end for ideas to incorporate them into ur diet...- of course, we r crowdsourcing Blueberries and Pomegranate (Juice)...- so next time in the Produce aisle, pick up a Bunch o Blueberries and git poppin...- everyone have a wild wednesday :) See more

Slo-tility.com 28.07.2020

Top o Tuesday Facers- so its official: the Supreme Court has ruled that PA ballots will count up to 3 days after Election Day, thereby quashing the republicans cynical suit to stop the counting- as the AG fires the salvo: "because the voters here in Pennsylvania deserve clarity and confidence in an election that's already under way. Donald Trump has recklessly been trying to sow doubt in this process and limit the voices of the people of Pennsylvania. What this assures is tha...t they'll count"...- hopefully the Federal Courts will continue to deny the criminal republican attempts to block citizens from voting, and that the outcome will vote them out and replace them with actual Stateman who will facilitate citizen voting, not deny it...- anyway, wanted to share Salmon recipes- of course, these Salmon r SLOtility-approved, as we r crowdsourcing Salmon (Fish), Pomegranate (Juice), Sriracha (Capsaicin), Garlic, Miso (Soy Protein)...- so add these to ur arsenal for healthy, filling meals...- everyone have a terrific tuesday! See more

Slo-tility.com 25.07.2020

Good Monday Morn Facers- so the clock is ticking for a relief bill before the election, presuming there r negotiations in good faith- the dems r fighting for $2.2 trillion for: Unemployment insurance; Testing/tracing/surveillance/vaccine development; Liability/Occupational Safety and Health Administration; State & Local funds; Child care assistance; School funds; Tax credits -- specifically an expansion of the Child and Earned Income Tax Credits; and Elections Census; while t...he repubs r fighting to run out the clock, even after giving $4 trillion to their rich buddies...- hopefully a Blue Wave can wash away the criminally negligent administration and install actual Statesmen who will provide funding to stabilize our economy until the virus is controlled, rather than facilitate the spread of the virus, which xtends the time of our recession...- anyway, wanted to share an article on Chia Seeds- check out the recipes @ the end for ideas to incorporate them into ur diet- of course, we r crowdsourcing Chia Seeds, Blueberries...- so next time in the produce aisle, pick up a chunk o Chia and git sprinklin- and dont worry, if u dont like them the birds in the backyard will...- everyone have a manic monday :) See more