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General Information

Locality: Moosic, Pennsylvania

Phone: +1 570-471-7857

Address: 4753 Birney Avenue 18507 Moosic, PA, US

Website: www.cucinarinaldi.com/

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Cucina Rinaldi 01.12.2020

From the Family and Staff here at Cucina Rinaldi, we would like to take this time to wish everyone a safe, healthy, and happy holiday

Cucina Rinaldi 18.11.2020

Thank You to ALL Veterans. God Bless America

Cucina Rinaldi 10.11.2020

We're finishing up the menu here at Cucina Rinaldi and would love to hear your opinion! We already know you want Cafe Rinaldi's famous risotto (because you've stopped us on the street to tell us, LOL) and of course all of our other homemade Cafe specialties. Now we're wondering, what kinds of "healthy" foods would interest you for breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Yogurt parfaits to go with your morning espresso? ... Salads galore for lunch? Lots of fish choices for dinner? Even, gulp, gluten-free items? (We must pause here to beg forgiveness of our Gramma Rinaldi and our dad Senior, both in heaven, for using the term "gluten-free" in a post about Italian food, but it's 2019 and we need to ask!) Tell us your thoughts down in the comments, and thanks for helping us plan our menu!

Cucina Rinaldi 31.10.2020

A 180-degree view from inside Cucina as construction progresses!

Cucina Rinaldi 14.10.2020

Construction is well underway even though it's the dog days of summer. Watch our page for construction and opening updates!