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Locality: Ford City, Pennsylvania

Address: Ford City High School Football Field 16226 Ford City, PA, US

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Ford City Youth Football 30.11.2020

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Ford City Youth Football 16.11.2020

Ford City Area Youth Football is looking to fill open positions on its board of directors. Please send interests to [email protected] or call 724-664-5025 with any questions or interest. All inquiries must be in by January 31, 2016.

Ford City Youth Football 09.11.2020

The winner of the "Get Ready For Christmas" Gift Certificate Raffle was Jerry Pizer of Manorville, with the ticket number of 027. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket to help support Ford City Area Youth Football!

Ford City Youth Football 29.10.2020

2016 Board of Directors President: Dave Hartman Vice President: Michelle Fulton Recording Secretary: Bobbi Jo Furlong... Corresponding Secretary: Stacy McDermot Treasurer: Rainee Hawkins Head of Football: Brandon Fulton Head of Cheerleading: Alicia Palmer Head Team Manager: Jenee Crissman Trustees: Robert Law, Ryan Good, Dan Walters. See more

Ford City Youth Football 13.10.2020

REMINDERS: End of the Year Party is tomorrow, Saturday, October 24, at Manor Twp. fire hall from 2pm to 4pm. Raffle ticket stubs and money are also due at this time along with any equipment and uniforms that were not returned.