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The Human Center For Excellence 07.05.2021

WHAT IS THREE MAIN WAYS AMERICA BUILT ITS ECONOMY AND BECAME THE TOP SUPERPOWER IN THE WORLD? ARE THERE ANY TRUE HUMANS IN POWER IN AMERICA? DOES AMERICA'S SOCI...AL POLITICAL ECONOMIC INDUSTRIAL AND CULTURAL LEADERS HAVE A HUMAN CONSCIENCE? by Imam Muhammad & Lauretta Ali Abdullah 2018 (All rights reserved.) Three main ways that America has become the major super power in the world are the following: 1) Through over 300 years of free slave labor from sunrise to sunset, which is now the private prison slave labor camps; 2) Through fighting wars and military occupation, as well as utilizing the assistance of Christian theologians, philosophers, social and cultural engineers and other religious and spiritual leaders to promote spiritual, social, cultural, and political propaganda of truth mixed with lies, innuendos, half truths, and outright falsehoods, which oftentimes resulted in the genocide of hundreds-of-thousands of land dwellers, through miscegenation by raping, torturing, maiming, and killing of the land dwellers oftentimes leading to territorial occupation; 3)Through the social and cultural engineers manipulating the press, the mass media, the arts, the artisans by creating through theater and stage shows, films, movies, and the arts, cultural trends and fads that fuel the economic engines of the banks, Fortune 500 companies, Wall Street investors, industrial and technological developers, manufacturers and other extreme capitalists. ON A HUMAN LEVEL AMERICA'S EXTREME CAPITALISTS AND INDUSTRIALISTS COULD BE DESCRIBED AS BASE LEVEL SAVAGES: AMERICA HAS LOST HER HUMAN IDENTITY Imam W D Mohammed, the Muslim Spokesman For Human Salvation, and the son of Elijah Muhammad), lovingly referred to as America’s Imam, was quoted in a public address as saying the following: America has became a giant economically, technologically, industrially, militarily, and scientifically speaking, but on a base level as a human being America would be described as a "savage" in her human identity. America has lost her "human identity." Where are the true humans? Money, money, money, and more money gains is her devoted drive and passion 24/7 as a nation. Power, power, power, by whatever means!! The ends justifies the means.How much money and power is enough America? How many more weapons buildups do we need? America can be, and should be, The Humane Global Ambassador of Peace Freedom Justice and Equality for All Nations. Why not? Acquiring money, riches, fortunes, fame and more power is the modern day American standard. America must change!! WHAT HAPPENED TO FOLLOWING UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES AND VALUES FOR HUMAN LIFE SUCH AS THE GOLDEN RULE AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS? Where are the human passions towards The Golden Rule or The Ten Commandments? Are these basic principles for civilized, humanly decent values now outdated in America? Where is the passion for what Jesus The Christ described in his gospels such as caring for the hungry, the poor, the elderly, the indigent, the homeless etc? America is not the land of the free and the home of the brave. America has become the land of the few rich caring for only the rich and powerful at the expense of the working classes and the poor. America is far from what Jesus the Christ represented!! America has become a country where one is more respected for what one owns, where one lives, for one's titles or degrees, the size of one's salary or bank account, rather than one's human content, or whether one is a decent human being. Human decency means nothing in America, a country which many among the extremist Evangelicals describe as a Christian nation!! Jesus would not be pleased with America's corrupt heart, which is severely lacking in human conscience and G_d consciousness. Religion has become big business in America and many extreme religionists have built financial empires on the backs of their congregations, while being complicit with corrupt politicians, preserving so-called conservative values, which exclude the working class, the poor, and people-of-color in public policies. America is too wealthy for there to be anyone especially veterans, children, and the elderly, homeless, hungry, or lacking high quality health care. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A TRUE HUMAN? WHAT DOES BEING HUMAN MEAN? CAN ONE BE A HUMAN BEING AND NOT BE "HUMAN" OR CONSCIOUSLY, KNOWINGLY AND WANTONLY DENY THEIR HUMAN IDENTITY? Just because one may have the physical and biological characteristics of a human being does not mean that they possess a true "human identity" or principled, human character. True human identity refers to one's ethical and moral values, the state of one's heart, feelings, emotions, or sentiments for fellow human beings. A true human cares about his or her immediate family members, neighbors who are near and far, humanity-at-large, the treatment or mistreatment of animals, plants, vegetation, the trees, the environment, the sick, the elderly, etc. True human beings care about how they treat others, whether they are rich or poor. Jesus The Christ said to care about "the least of these." Jesus The Christ was a "true human," and there were many others, men and women, who walked on this earth for centuries. "What happened America?" What true "human" would elect an outright liar for anything? Think about it America? America needs leaders who are humanly decent men and women of principles, of good character, ethical conduct, of rationally sound, logical, and those who exercise common sense judgment first, before decision making, and before creating, enacting, or legislating laws and public policies. America needs to stop looking at one's skin color, the name of one's tribe, family name,nationality, creed, income level, the size of one's bank account, or the extent of one's private holdings, or fortunes, before assessing one's ethical or human character first. What type of individual is he or she morally and ethically speaking? Is this the type of human being that one would leave to tend their child or a close loved one? Would one feel secure with leaving this person alone with one's daughter, or son, wife, or husband? Is this individual a role model for children in every nation and on every continent on earth? Would the world be a better place if this person was not in charge of one's family, neighborhood, community, village, town, state, or nation? If the answer is yes, then how far down has America fallen in her human values? Should one's moral or ethical character be set aside just because they are wealthy and can stimulate the economy, while at the same time only providing low wage paying jobs, without a "living wage" which increases as the cost of goods and services increases? For true humans, one's ethical and moral character matters more than one's employment capabilities. Why not possess both? To possess both should be America's ideal standard, then America will be truly great!! That's a win/win situation!! Why not America? Think about it America!! A true human is kind, polite, gentle, amenable, civil, forgiving, understanding, empathetic towards others regardless of skin color, language, ethnic, or national origin, whether religious or not, regardless of their zip codes, education level or not etc. A true human cares about the content of one's "character," not whether the person is famous, powerful, or rich. All rich, wealthy, famous, and powerful people are not good and decent individuals. Some are, but too few. Many have resorted to fraudulent, low-life, and inhumane means to acquire and to maintain their millions, billions, and trillions-of-dollars in liquid and material assets. What happened America? Abraham, Ismail, Moses, Jesus The Christ, and Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon them all), were true human beings. They were human first. They displayed ethically sound, morally decent judgment in their vocational crafts as fellow human beings, neighbors, shepherds, carpenters, lawmakers, merchants, statesmen, governors, public policy makers etc. When they addressed the rich, the poor, the scholars, or the beggars, they did so with mutual respect, and mutual regard for their equal humanity. They never treated others as if they were beneath them. They never talk down to other human beings, bullied them, lied on them publicly or privately, or resorted to calling them by offensive nicknames. They wore many hats, had access to wealth, power, celebrity, and influence, but they never lost their humanity. They never lost their "common sense," or human decency when interacting with those of lesser means, or lesser knowledge or social status. They never lost their drive and desire to cultivate healthy, wholesome social, cultural, ethically sound economic life, where the orphans, the poor, the needy, the wayfarer, the elderly, as well as those with special needs, and under special circumstances and conditions, had access to the public treasury with a Social Security and a high quality healthcare safety net. What happened America? Greed has become the order of the day in America. America's extreme capitalists have no heart for human life, animal life, the eco-systems or the environment!! Why can't they have it all? Why won't they preserve human life, the oceans, waterways, and the environment, while at the same time renewing, restoring, and rebuilding the decaying infrastructure in America's cities and towns? The answer is "they can!!" The reason they won't is because they are "profit driven" and not driven by an interest in cultivating "human excellence." Piling up wealth on top of wealth, acquiring higher market shares, more returns and dividends on stocks, more money, and staying in power getting as much as they can, while they can, for their nuclear family, their tribes, and their brands, is all they care about!! Therefore they have lost their human sensitivity and ethical compass for human decency. The extreme capitalists, demagogues, bankers, and venture capitalists could care less about the human condition domestically or globally. Who is their g-d? Money and power!! Where is their human decency? America needs a new heart? Where are the true humans of wealth and high, ethically decent, human character? Think about it America!! What direction will America take on November 6, 2018 and beyond? It is in our hands. NOW is the TIME for a New America to be born with a new heart and a new spirit!! Consider this thought true humans: "The true humans of conscience, ethical decency, and goodwill must step up to the plate and revive America's conscience before America's Republic self-destruct."

The Human Center For Excellence 03.05.2021

Address correction for tonight's event in Harrisburg, PA. Come out, share the information with someone you never know who's life you will change!!!

The Human Center For Excellence 19.04.2021

What is your life's blueprint?

The Human Center For Excellence 08.04.2021

#MaintainYourInheritance2K17 Human Excellence is our strongest identity! We can't be stopped now!