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Locality: Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Phone: +1 717-974-3086

Address: 237 N Prince St. 17602 Lancaster, PA, US

Website: lancasterpsychology.com

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Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 04.05.2021

Instantly see what your sliding-scale session fee would be.

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 21.04.2021

...instead of saying everything will be okay, I will say, what really keeps you okay will remain intact despite the outcome. Because what keeps you okay, what has kept you alive so far, is people taking care of each other... https://lancasterpsychology.com//we-all-live-in-the-same-/

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 04.04.2021

Pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living.

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 26.12.2020

Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren commits to justice and peacemaking by standing in solidarity with those who are considered ‘the least’ and ‘the last’:

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 11.11.2020

Honoring freedom and equality, because Black lives matter:

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 28.10.2020

At last, at last

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 25.10.2020

Includes videos we watched in the workshop, book lists, recommendations for action, materials for youth, and much more! Thank you all

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 08.10.2020

Child sexual abuse prevention and healing for adult survivors remains our core mission. At this time of social crisis severely impacting staff and volunteers in... the organizations, churches, and agencies we rely on to keep children and others in our communities safe, we are also offering our expertise in trauma-informed care and resilience to these organizations to help them mitigate anxiety and maintain emotional health. Dr. Elisabeth Yaelingh-Scoffins from Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology and Safe Communities founder Linda Crockett will facilitate the two-session on-line modules of 1.5 hours that accommodate up to 10 individuals. Cost is $600 per module and is prepaid by the agency, organization, church or judicatory. Head to our website https://www.safecommunitiespa.org/vicarious-trauma.html to register. For more details contact Linda at [email protected].

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 27.09.2020

This workshop is aimed at White women (trans-inclusive, NB-inclusive) seeking to understand and work on their own racism/ gain understanding of systemic racism, but women of any race may attend. Scholarship available for those who cannot afford the fee, please apply. 20% of proceeds to go to a BLM cause (still not determined)... 25% of proceeds goes to speaker fee. See more

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 18.09.2020

Why Should White Women Teach White Women About Racism? Well, anti-racism work Is not about absolution. Sometimes peopleinvariably White peoplequestion why I should be the one to teach anti-racism to other White people. For the most part, I believe this is a good-faith question brought by those with good intention regarding unpacking their own racism.... However, what it usually tells me is the questioner has already not been listening to BIPoC women at all. If they had, they would have already heard the following words hundreds of times. Not every one of the following posts is from a Black person, but many are. Read them now and understand why. Read every one!

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 11.09.2020

2020: Not Done With Us Yet Look at this: future universities will have entire specializations in the study of the 2020s. Turbulent times with great disparity in who is affected are likely to lead to social unrest. Medically, financially, socially, emotionally, and legally, marginalized groups have been dealt an incredibly disproportionate blow by the events of this year.... The killing of George Floyd was a tipping point. We all have a choice now. Will you contribute to peace? How are you using your voice?...

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 07.09.2020

So many disasters and crises lately, and now a social tipping point has clearly been reached. If you are White and you don’t know where to start with understanding race issues in America, you can start here: (Below: Someone Said I Did A Racism; Now What? A Guide) You might also consider watching When They See Us, currently available on Netflix.

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 22.08.2020

Stay safe as you can and remember to vote!

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 11.08.2020

A widespread crisis is a risk to all, but it will always have worse effects on those who are in any marginalized group. Tynisa Walker has a son who is 15 and autistic. She fears for him daily, but especially now that there is unrest. She is pleading for his life.

Intersectional Life Counseling & Psychology 08.08.2020

Whether you are a therapist, health care provider, first responder, clergy, reporter, social worker, or in one of many other professions that expose workers to the trauma of others, it's very important to know and work within your carrying capacity.